Chapter 7 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 123
Test Parameter Options for vcatest
TABLE7-2 describes the vcatest subtests.
vcatest Command-Line Syntax
If you choose to perform vcatest from the command line instead of the CDE
interface, then all arguments must be specified in the command-line string.
In 32-bit mode, the path to vcatest is /opt/SUNWvts/bin/. In 64-bit mode, the
path to vcatest is /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/.
All SunVTS standard options are supported from the command-line interface for
vcatest. Test-specificoptions are specified with the -o argument.
Refer to the SunVTS test referencemanual for a definition of the standard command-
line arguments. The vcatest is a Functional mode test; therefore, -f must be
included. Include -u to display a usage message, or -v for VERBOSE messages.
Items enclosed in square brackets denote optional entries.
The following is an example of invoking vcatest in 32-bit mode as a standalone
program. The following command performs all subtests on vca0:
TABLE7-2 vcatest Subtests
TestName Description
CDMF TestsCDMF bulk encryption.
DES TestsDES bulk encryption.
3DES Tests3DES bulk encryption
RSA TestsRSA public and private keys
DSA TestsDSA signature verification
MD5 TestsMD5 Message Digest/Digital Signature.
SHA1 TestsSHA1 Digest Key Creation.
RNG Testrandom number generation
#/opt/SUNWvts/bin/vcatest -f -o dev=vca0,tl=all