Chapter 6 Configuring Apache Web Servers for Use With the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board 113
4. Select 1to configure your Apache Web Server to use SSL:
5. Provide the directory where the Apache binaries exist.
On Solaris systems, this is usually /usr/apache.
6. Provide the location of the configuration files for Apache.
On Solaris systems, this is usually /etc/apache.
7. Create an RSA keypair for your system.
If you choose not to create a keypair,you must go back later and use apsslcfg to
generate keys.
If you answer No to this question, skip to “ToCreate a Certificate” on page 115.
8. Provide the directory for storing the keys.
If this directory does not exist, it is created.
Sun Crypto Accelerator Apache Installation
This script will install the Sun Crypto Accelerator
cryptographic modules for Apache.
Please select what you wish to do:
1. Configure Apache for SSL
2. Work with Apache keys
Your selection (0 to quit): 1
Please enter the directory where the Apache
binaries and libraries exist [/usr/apache]: /usr/apache
Please enter the directory where the Apache configuration files exist
[/etc/apache]: /etc/apache
Do you wish to create a new RSA keypair and certificate request? [Y/N]:
Where would you like the keys stored? [/etc/apache/keys]: /etc/apache/keys