44 Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Installation and User’s Guide May 2003
Ethernet Driver Statistics
TABLE3-13 describes the Ethernet driver statistics.
TABLE3-13 Ethernet Driver Statistics
Parameter Description Stableor Unstable
ipackets Number of inbound packets. Stable
ipackets64 64-bit version of ipackets. Stable
ierrors Totalpackets received that could not be processed
because they contained errors(long). Stable
opackets Totalpackets requested to be transmitted on the
interface. Stable
opackets64 Totalpackets requested to be transmitted on the
interface (64-bit). Stable
oerrors Totalpackets that were not successfully
transmitted because of errors(long). Stable
rbytes Totalbytes successfully received on the interface. Stable
rbytes64 Totalbytes successfully received on the interface
(64-bit). Stable
obytes Totalbytes requested to be transmitted on the
interface. Stable
obytes64 Totalbytes requested to be transmitted on the
interface (64-bit). Stable
multircv Multicast packets successfully received,including
groupand functional addresses (long). Stable
multixmt Multicast packets requestedto be transmitted,
including groupand functional addresses (long). Stable
brdcstrcv Broadcastpackets successfully received (long). Stable
brdcstxmt Broadcastpackets requested to be transmitted
(long). Stable
norcvbuf Timesa valid incoming packet was known to have
been discardedbecause no buffer could be
allocated for receive(long).
noxmtbuf Packets discardedon output because transmit
bufferwas busy, or no buffer could be allocated for
transmit (long).