90 Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Installation and User’s Guide May 2003
Populating a Keystore
Before you can enable the board for use with a Sun ONE WebServer, you must first
initialize the board and populate the board’s keystore with at least one user.The
keystore for the board is created during the initialization process.You can also
initialize Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 boards to use an existing keystore. Refer to
“Initializing the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Withvcaadm” on page 65.
Note – Only one keystore per Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 boardcan be configured
and you must configure one keystore per board.You can configure multiple Sun
Crypto Accelerator 4000 boards to collectively work with the same keystore to
provide additional performance and fault-tolerance.

To Populate a Keystore

1. If you have not already done so, place the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 tools
directory in your search path, for example:
2. Access the vcaadm utility with the vcaadm command or enter vcaadm -h
hostname to connect vcaadm to a board on a remote host.
Refer to “Using vcaadm” on page 55.
3. Populate the board’s keystore with users.
These user names are known only within the domain of the Sun Crypto Accelerator
4000 board and do not need to be identical to the UNIX user name that the web
server process is using. Before attempting to create the user,remember that you
must first log in as a vcaadm security officer.
$ PATH=$PATH:/opt/SUNWconn/bin
$export PATH
$vcaadm -h hostname