126 Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Installation and User’s Guide May 2003
Refer to the SunVTS user’s guide for detailed startup instructions.
The following instructions assume that SunVTS was started using the CDE user
2. On the SunVTS Diagnostic main window, set the System Map to Logical mode.
Note – Physical mode is also supported; however,this procedure assumes you are
using Logical mode.
3. Disable all tests by clearing their check boxes.
4. Select the check box for Network, then select the plus box for Network to display
all tests in the Network group.
5. Clear check boxes in the Network group that are not named vcaN(nettest).
Note that Nspecifiesthe placement of the instance number of the device under
If a vcaN(nettest) is displayed, then go to Step 6.
If a vcaN(nettest) is not displayed, enter ifconfig -a in another window
on the server containing the vcaNboard. There should be an entry listed as
If the preceding ifconfig entry is not listed, the nettest probe will not consider
the device testable, and you should follow the ifconfig online manual page
instructions for bringing an interface online.
Once the ifconfig -a produces the preceding entry,return to the SunVTS
Diagnostic main window and probe the system to find vca by selecting Reprobe
system in the Commands drop-down menu.
Refer to the SunVTS user’s guide for the exact procedure. When the probe completes
and a vca0(nettest) is displayed, continue to Step 6.
6. Select one of the instances of vcaN(nettest), then right-click and drag to
display the TestParameter Options dialog box.
These options, which only pertain to nettest, are described in the SunVTS test
reference manual.
7. After you have made all selections, select Apply from Within Instance drop-down
menu to change the selected instance of vcaN(nettest), or select Apply from
the Across All Instances drop-down menu to change all checked instances of
vcaN up inet ip-address plumb