Toshiba B-EX The entered value for WEP Key #number on the, WLAN tab page is incorrect, hex. code

Models: B-EX

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The entered value for "WEP Key #'number'" on the

The entered value for "WEP Key #'number'" on the

The number of characters entered for "WEP Key

WLAN tab page is incorrect.

#'number'" is insufficient. ('number': 1 to 4)

When using hex. format, enter a 10-digit or 26-digit


hex. code.


When using ASCII, enter a 5-digit or 13-digit


character string.




Firmware Download Tab


The specified file is not a ROM file for the printer.

The specified file cannot be read.

Select the file in the proper format.

The format of the specified file is different from that of the


ROM file for the printer.



The specified file is the ROM file for the printer

The specified ROM file is not for the printer model

model different from the specified one on the

specified on the Printer Setting screen.

Printer Setting screen.


Select the proper ROM file.




BASIC Download Tab


Reading the specified file failed.

The specified file cannot be read.

Check if the file is readable.

Encoding the BASIC program failed.



The BASIC program has an error.

BASIC program has incorrect codes.


Detailed information is displayed in "Message".

Check the program code.




The BASIC program does not conform to the

The BASIC program codes do not conform to the defined

defined specification.



Detailed information is displayed in "Message".

Check the program code.






No file is found in the specified file.

Effective files like the following are not found in the folder.

Select the folder containing a file in the correct

▪ Up to 24-character file name


▪ No blank file



The max. acceptable size for the HTML/XML ROM

The maximum acceptable size was exceeded while

files is exceeded.

creating HTML/XML ROM files.

Check the file size in the folder.




The max. acceptable number of files for

The maximum acceptable number of files (128) was

HTML/XML ROM files is exceeded.

exceeded while creating HTML/XML ROM files.

Check the number of files in the file.




Creating an HTML/XML ROM file failed.

The file in the list cannot be read.

Check if the file in the list is readable.

Creating an HTML/XML ROM file failed.



Saving data in the specified file failed.

Data cannot be saved in the specified file.

Check if the file is writable.




Tool Tab


Reading the specified file failed.

The specified file cannot be read.

Check if the file is readable.




Create External Character Tab


No registrable monochrome bitmap file is found in

No effective monochrome bitmap file is found in the

the specified folder.

specified folder.

Choose the folder containing a proper file.

▪ File name


▪ Bitmap format


▪ Bitmap size




Page 83
Image 83
Toshiba B-EX The entered value for WEP Key #number on the, The number of characters entered for WEP Key, hex. code, format