Services are used in defining traffic to be blocked or allowed by the Access Control or Fire- wall Rules features. Many common Services are
To view the Services screen, select the Services link on the Security menu.
Figure 44: Services Screen
Data - Services Screen
Available Services
Available Services | This lists all defined Services. |
Delete Button | Use this to delete the selected Service from the list. |
| Note that you can only delete Services you have added; the pre- |
| defined services can not be deleted. |
Add New Service |
Name | Enter a suitable name for this Service. |
Type | Select the correct type for this Service. |
Start Port | If the "Type" (above) is TCP, UDP, or TCP/UDP, enter the port |
| number for this Service. If a port range is required, enter the begin- |
| ning of the range here, and the end of the range in the "Finish Port" |
| field. |
Finish Port | If the "Type" (above) is TCP, UDP, or TCP/UDP, this field can be |
| used to enter the end of range of port numbers. This can be left blank |
| if not required. |
ICMP Type | If the "Type" (above) is ICMP, enter the ICMP type here. Otherwise, |
| this field should be left blank. |