Getting Started

Style Conventions

To facilitate the proper interpretation of command syntax and parameters as you read this guide, we’ve applied style conventions to distinguish various elements of the commands, as well as to show how to use the commands. The style conventions used throughout this document are described in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Documentation Conventions




Boldface treatment show the actual text that you must enter


For example: show logins


Press Enter to accept the completed command string


Italic treatment indicates that the text is a variable. You must


supply the actual value.


For example: show status dhcp poolname



[ ]

Square brackets delimit optional keywords or arguments.


For example: [file file]

{x y}

Curly braces delimit two or more required keywords.


For example: restore {config web} original-config


You must use one of the keywords inside the braces. The vertical


bar separates the choices.


Note: In the above case, the keywords are the actual values that


you type. If they were in italic, the words are variables for which


you supply the actual values.


Courier plain shows an example of information displayed on the



boldface Courier

Boldface courier shows an example of information you must


type. For example: sms2000% port-definition tut


Ranges of numbers are separated by a dash (1 — 7).


Slash separators, with no spaces are used in some commands,


typically with the variable masklen, for example:


ifconfig port_number ip_address/masklen


sms2000% ifconfig

Accessing Help for Commands

There are three ways to access help for commands when you are configuring the


At the command line, enter the command and press <Enter>. If parameters are required, the command and listed parameters are described.

For definitions of the commands, enter help at the prompt.

Enter command-namehelp for additional help.

Note: The ? character can be used interchangeably with the help command.

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Tut Systems SMS2000 manual Style Conventions, Accessing Help for Commands, For example show status dhcp poolname