Customizing SMS2000 Web Authentication with RADIUS
If the modified page you are loading is the first customized page for a group, a new directory is created to store this and other modified files. This directory is automatically given the same name as the active group. There is no need to reboot the SMS2000. When a new subscriber connects, the subscriber sees the new web page.
SMS2000 with a RADIUS authentication server.
To load a specified web page from a remote server, specifying a local or remote server name, use this command:
load web {url defaults}
For example, to load the customized version of the authentication file for the active group from the server, type:
sms2000% load web
Note: The command load web immediately changes the web pages for the active group.
Path Components
Path components are important when specifying the URL for use with the load web command. On most web servers there exists a DOCUMENT_ROOT directory where web page(s) are normally stored. If you are attempting to load a web page that exists in the DOCUMENT_ROOT directory, include the IP address of the server and the name of the file you want to load.
For example, to load a modified version of the authfile.html file which resides in the DOCUMENT_ROOT directory of a server with the IP address, type:
sms2000% load web
If the page you are attempting to load is in a directory other than the root directory you must include the full path to the directory and also the name of the local file.
For example, to load a modified version of the authfile.html file which resides in the /somedir directory of a server with the IP address, type:
sms2000% load web
Note: Loading pages from a directory other that the DOCUMENT_ROOT directory is not recommended.
Note: Apache is a free web server available for all versions of Windows 95 or later, Mac
Image Links
The default web pages contain links to the images that make up the pages. These links specify a relative path to the images, for example <img src="myfile.gif">, meaning that
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