Defining Routing Rules

Routing User Guide



Routing Rule Priority

Automatically routed exams are assigned a default priority of ‘Medium.’ This priority can be changed by adding a priority statement after the conditions for the rule.

Prioritize images based on destination


when MODALITY="CT" priority HIGH


when MODALITY="CT" priority LOW

In addition to the priority that is derived from routing rules, the routing software takes the clinical urgency of an exam into account. For more information, see page 8.

Routing Images from Prior Exams

Images from prior exams can be automatically routed by adding a priorstudy statement after the conditions for the rule.

Do or Do Not include Prior Studies


when MODALITY="CT" priorstudy YES


when MODALITY="CT" priorstudy NO

When priorstudy is set to YES, images from prior exams will be included based on routing-specific settings in the MAG RAD PRIOR EXAMS LOGIC File (#2006.65). (Settings in this file are described in detail on page 40).

When priorstudy is set to NO, or if the priorstudy statement is absent, images from prior exams will not be included.

!Using priorstudy in a routing rule can significantly increase network traffic. If a rule of this sort is implemented, be sure to monitor the network to ensure no problems arise.


VistA Imaging V. 3.0, Patch 18

April 2006

Page 30
Image 30
Vista Imaging Vista Routing Routing Rule Priority, Routing Images from Prior Exams, Prioritize images based on destination