Appendix A | Routing User Guide |
Routing Setup Checklist
Imaging Destination Setup
a Username and password available for each destination?
bFolders created and shared for each destination?
cAbility to access and write to each storage folder verified?
dNetwork location entry defined for each destination?
eVistARad site parameters set up at sending site?
fCacheLocationID set on workstations at receiving sites?
DICOM Destination Setup
aDestination information added to SCU_List.dic?
bSCU_List.dic updated on DICOM Gateway? Destination application accessible?
DICOM Gateway Setup
a Image Gateways configured properly?
bRouting Gateway configured properly?
Routing Rule Setup
a Rules defined in Route.dic?
bRoute.dic imported successfully?
Routing Activation
a Image Gateways processing images?
bRouting Gateway evaluation processor activated?
cRouting Gateway transmission processor(s) activated?
dImages routed successfully?
eImages at receiving site purged at end of retention period (Imaging dest. only)
78 | VistA Imaging V. 3.0, Patch 18 | April 2006 |