defining rules for
zsee also routing Background Processor 32 balance command 12
cache, remote see RC column; storage folders CacheLocationID 48
comments in routing rules 23
completed trans. queue entries, purging 57 compression 34, 79
conditions, routing rule defining
configuration destination
configuration files MAGJ.INI 48 Route.dic
date/time conditions 11, 21 deleting routed exams 5, 36, 60 destinations
described 1, 83 DICOM
routing rules and 9,
DICOM destinations configuring
in SCU_List.dic 37 naming conventions 37
DICOM destinations (cont.)
DICOM Gateway 2, see also Image Gateway; Routing Gateway
DICOM SCPs, routing to 5, 37
39, 83
displaying routed exams 5, 59 displaying routing rules 57
drives, transmission processor and 66
evaluation processor described 4, 83 log files for 53 multiple instances 46 starting 51, 56 stopping 54, 56
exam lists
filtering at receiving site 47 RC column in 36, 59, 67 using for
exam locks 60, 83 exams, routed
compression 34, 79 deleting 5, 36, 60 DICOM SCPs and 5 displaying 5, 59
dividing between destinations 12 prior 5, 22, 40
priority of 8, 22 representative images in 67
expired trans. queue entries, purging 57 exporting exams to DICOM SCPs 5
failed trans. queue entries,
folders, storage described 84
for Imaging destinations
formatting routing rules 23
April 2006 | VistA Imaging V. 3.0, Patch 18 | 87 |