Gateway and Network Configuration
Submit Data Files to FreeFlow Print Server
The JDFGW converts the CPSS representation of job attributes to the FreeFlow Print Server representation and submits data files along with these job attributes to the Print Server for printing.
Updates and Outputs JDF Job Tickets:
After each job submission to the FreeFlow Print Server, JDF Gateway updates and outputs the JDF job ticket into specific or default folders depending on the job submission status.
The updated JDF job ticket contains a relative job status and the process time required.
The location of a specific folder is specified in the JDF job ticket by "TargetRoute". For example, a JDF job ticket has the following:
<NodeInfo TargetRoute="/var/spool/XRXnps/JDF_Output"/>
This means, that the updated JDF job ticket, after job submission, is moved to directory: "/var/spool/XRXnps/JDF_Output/"
If such information does not exist in a JDF job ticket, then the default folders will be used to hold the updated JDF job ticket.
The default failure folder is named "error" and is a
Processes invalid syntax/value JDF Job Tickets
If the JDF job ticket has unsupported structural features, such as a JDF Process node that is subordinate to a Product node, or if it includes a supported attribute whose value is not supported or which has an invalid syntax (i.e., for which JDFToolkit returns a "Classification of Product Node failed" error), the job ticket cannot be converted to a valid print job. In this case, JDF GW puts the invalid JDF job ticket into the Hot Folder "Error" folder, and submits an (invalid) empty no data job to alert the FreeFlow Print Server operator to the error condition.
FreeFlow Print Server will display the following error messages:
•Processing Error - This job cannot be printed because the Job Data File or the Pathname does not exist or the Pathname is invalid.
Cancel the job and suggest that the job Data File or the Pathname be checked prior to resubmitting.
•System error occurred while attempting to process this job. Please resubmit this job
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