Accounting and Billing
Start RIP Time Date and time Raster Input Processing (RIP) started.
Stop RIP Time Date and time RIP completed.
Elapsed RIP Time (seconds) Difference between Stop RIP Time and Start RIP Time, in seconds.
Account ID
User ID
Additional Job Data
RIP Interrupt Time (seconds) Total amount of time RIP was suspended for the job, in seconds.
Initial JDL Path to JDL for LCDS document submission.
Initial JDE JDE selection. This is used in combo with the Initial JDL in the LCDS document submissions.
Records Read The number of records read from a record data stream.
DJDE Records Read The number of DJDE records recognized.
Data Blocks Processed Number of blocks read processing the current job.
Data Blocks Skipped Number of blocks skipped processing the current job.
Number Pages RIPed Number of processed pages.
Total Pages Trapped Number of pages trapped.
Total Anti Aliased Pages Total number of Anti Aliased pages processed.
Start Date Date and time job printing started.
Completion Date Date and time job printing completed.
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