It is recommended that you use a tripod (etc.) to affix the optimizer microphone at the same height as your ears would be when you are seated in your listening position. You can use the attached screw of a tripod (etc.) to fix the optimizer microphone to the tripod (etc.).
2Check if “START” is selected and then press8ENTER.AUTO SETUP
[]/[p]: Up/Down
[ENTER]: Start
Before proceeding next operationOnce you perform the next operation, this unit starts the automatic setup procedure in 10 seconds. For more accurate measurements, we recommended that you get out of the room or move to the wall where speakers are not around during the measurement. It takes approximately 3 minutes.
3Press 8ENTER to start the measurement.Loud test tones are output from each speaker during the measurement. Once all items are measured, “Measurement Complete” appears.
•During the automatic setup procedure, do not perform any operation on this unit.
•The measurement is canceled if an error occurs (page 32).
Loud test tones are output.
Please keep quiet or leave the room.
Press [ENTER]
Measurement Complete
Press [ENTER]
Optimizing the speaker setting for your listening room
4Press 8ENTER to display the result.AUTO SETUP
| |
MLT | : | 1 |
SP | : | 5/4/0.1 |
DIST: | 14.0/17.0ft | |
LVL | : | |
[]/[p]: Up/Down
[ENTER]: Detail
Number of the measured points MLTDisplays the number of listening positions actually measured.Number of speakers SPDisplays the number of speakers connected to this unit in the following order: Front/Back/Subwoofer
Speaker distance DISTDisplays the speaker distance from the listening position in the following order:
Closest speaker distance/Farthest speaker distanceSpeaker level LVLDisplays the speaker output level in the following order:Lowest speaker output level/Highest speaker output levelNote
“WARNING” and the number of warning messages appear in the above of “RESULT” if any potential problem occurs (page 33).
5Press 8ENTER to display the setup results in detail.RESULT MULTI MEASURE
Measured at
1 point
[p]/[[]: Select
[ENTER]: Return