34Printer Setup Types of Media

Table 7 • Roll and Fanfold Media

Media Type

How It Looks














Roll media is wound on a 3-in. (76-mm) core. Individual

Roll Media


labels are separated by one or more of the following methods:



Web media separates labels by gaps, holes, or notches.









































Black mark media uses pre-printed black marks on the back side of the media to indicate label separations.

Perforated media has perforations that allow the labels or tags to be separated from each other easily. The media may also have black marks or other separations between labels or tags.


Fanfold media is folded in a zigzag pattern. Fanfold media can

Fanfold Media

have the same label separations as non-continuous roll media.


The separations would fall on or near the folds.


Roll media is wound on a 3-in. (76-mm) core.

Roll Media

Continuous roll media does not have gaps, holes, notches, or


black marks to indicate label separations. This allows the


image to be printed anywhere on the label. Sometimes a cutter


is used to cut apart individual labels.

79695L-002 Rev. A

Z Series®/RZ™ Series User Guide
