ZyAIR G-2000 Plus User’s Guide

Figure 57 SUA/NAT Setup

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 44 SUA/NAT Setup





Default Server

In addition to the servers for specified services, NAT supports a default server. A


default server receives packets from ports that are not specified in this screen.


If you do not assign a Default Server IP Address, the ZyAIR discards all packets


received for ports that are not specified in this screen or remote management.


Number of an individual SUA server entry.




Select this check box to enable the SUA server entry. Clear this checkbox to


disallow forwarding of these ports to an inside server without having to delete the




Enter a name to identify this port-forwarding rule.



Start Port

Enter a port number here. To forward only one port, enter it again in the End Port


field. To specify a range of ports, enter the last port to be forwarded in the End Port



End Port




Server IP

Enter the inside IP address of the server here.



Chapter 10 Single User Account (SUA) / Network Address Translation (NAT)