ZyAIR G-2000 Plus User’s Guide

Figure 6 Wizard 2 : Wireless LAN Setup

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 4 Wizard 2 : Wireless LAN Setup





Wireless LAN Setup





Enter a descriptive name (up to 32 printable 7-bit ASCII characters) for the


wireless LAN.


If you change this field on the ZyAIR, make sure all wireless stations use the


same SSID in order to access the network.

Choose Channel ID

To manually set the ZyAIR to use a channel, select a channel from the drop-


down list box. Open the Channel Usage screen to make sure the channel is


not already used by another AP or independent peer-to-peer wireless network.


The level of Security can be selected as none, basic or extended. Choose


None security to have no wireless LAN security configured and proceed to the


ISP Parameters for Internet Access screen.


Choose Basic (WEP) security if you want to configure WEP Encryption




Choose Extend (WPA-PSK)security to configure a Pre-Shared Key.


The third screen varies depending on which security level you select.




Click Back to return to the previous screen.




Click Next to continue.



Note: The wireless stations and ZyAIR must use the same ESSID, channel ID and WEP encryption key (if WEP is enabled) or WPA-PSK (if WPA-PSK is enabled) for wireless communication

3.4 Wizard Setup: Screen 3

Choose Basic (WEP) security to setup WEP Encryption parameters.


Chapter 3 Wizard Setup