Remington 099039J, 76728K, 099178H Repair Service, Warranty Service, NON-WARRANTY Service, General

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EL-7, 098031J, 099039J, 100089-04, 100089-05

Part Number



Guide bar, 16" (40.6 cm)


Chain, 16" (40.6 cm)


Drive Sprocket

POLE SAW, 104316-04 (8"/20.3 cm) POLE SAW ASSEMBLY, 104317

Part Number



Guide bar, 8" (20.3 cm)


Chain, 8" (20.3 cm)


Drive Sprocket

POLE SAW, 106890-01 (10"/25.4 cm) POLE SAW ASSEMBLY, 106821

Part Number



Guide bar, 10" (25.4 cm)


Chain, 10" (25.4 cm)


Drive Sprocket



Part Number



Plastic scabbard, 8"(20.3 cm)


& 10" (25.4 cm)


Plastic scabbard, 12" (30.5 cm),


14" (35.5 cm), & 16" (40.6 cm)


Hand Guard


Adjusting Plate Assy.


Note: Only use original replacement parts. This will protect your warranty coverage for parts replaced un- der warranty.

Each authorized service center is independently owned and operated. For additional service center or warranty information, call 1-800-858-8501.


If saw requires warranty service, return it to nearest authorized service center. You must show proof of purchase. If faulty materials or workmanship caused damage, we will replace saw without charge.


If saw requires service, return it to nearest autho- rized service center. Repairs will be billed to you at regular repair list prices. Note: Normal wear, mis- use, abuse, neglect, or accidental damage is not cov- ered under warranty.





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Contents Manual Para EL Usuario Manuel D’UTILISATION ET D’ENTRETIEN ListedWhile Operating SAW Important Safety InformationBefore Operating SAW Read ALL InstructionsMaintenance and Storage of Chain SAW Kickback Safety Devices On This SawSaw Maintenance and Kickback Safety Kickback¥ in a dry place Información Importante DE SeguridadAntes DE Utilizar LA Sierra ¥ m‡scara contra el polvo el trabajar en zonas polvorientasContragolpes AL Utilizar LA Sierra¥ con el dedo fuera del gatillo Mantenimiento Y Almacenamiento DE SU Sierra ELƒCTRICA Mantenimiento de la cadena y seguridad contra contragolpesCuide de su sierra elŽctrica ¥ Nunca la exponga a la lluvia Pendant Lutilisation DE LA TRON‚ONNEUSE Consignes DE Sécurité ImportantesAvant Dõutiliser LA TRON‚ONNEUSE ¥ lorsquon est pressŽSuite ReculEntretien de la trononneuse et protection contre le recul Entretien ET Remisage DE LA TRON‚ONNEUSEFIGURES/FIGURAS/FIGURES FIGURES/FIGURAS/ Figures Retreat Path From Tree FIGURES/FIGURAS Guide Bar Cross Section Showing Uneven Bar Wear Chain SAW Names and Terms Electric Chain SAWUnpacking Remove all items from cartonImportant Do not clamp chain saw in vise during assembly AssemblySAW Chain Tension Adjustment Lay chain out ßatExtension Cords Filling OIL TankOperating Chain SAW Oiling ChainBefore Felling a Tree Felling Procedure Felling NotchFelling a Tree Cutting Down a Tree Felling CutBucking a LOG Limbing a TreeTrimming a Tree Pruning Care of Guide BAR Cleaning MaintenanceCleaning SAW Body Sharpening SAW ChainReplacement Parts and Accessories Technical ServiceService Publications StorageNON-WARRANTY Service Repair ServiceWarranty Service GeneralTroubleshooting Observed Fault Possible Cause RemedyInternational Electric Chain SAW Limited WarrantyIndustries of Canada, Inc Terminología Sierra EléctricaDesembalaje EnsamblajeAjuste DE Tensión DE LA Cadena Serrada Cables DE PROLONGACIîN LubricaciónUSO DE LA Sierra Eléctrica LUBRICACIîN DE LA CadenaProcedimiento de tala Corte de la muesca Tala DE UN çRBOL Derribamiento de un ‡rbolAntes de derribar un ‡rbol Tala finalLa totalidad del tronco sobre el suelo Desmembramiento DE UN çRBOLTrozado DE UN Tronco Corte el tronco comenzando por arriba vea la FiguraTronco apoyado sobre ambos extremos Limpieza Y MantenimientoTronco apoyado en un extremo Poda DE UN çRBOLAfilado DE LA Cadena Publicaciones DE Servicio AlmacenamientoServicio Técnico Accesorios Y Piezas DE RepuestoServicio Fuera DE GARANTêA Servicio DE ReparacionesServicio Durante LA GARANTêA 099178H, 100089-06, 100089-07 & EL-1 ¼ de pieza Descripci-nFalla Observada Causa Posible Diagnóstico Y Resolución DE ProblemasSOLUCIîN Información DE Garantía GARANTêA Limitada DE Sierra ELƒCTRICAVocabulaire DE LA Tronçonneuse Tronçonneuse Électrique PrimeDéballage MontageRemplissage DU Réservoir D’HUILE Réglage DE LA Tension DE LA ChaîneŽvite les fuites dÕhuile Lubrification DE LA CHAëNE Utilisation DE LA TronçonneuseRallonges ƒLECTRIQUES Sciage Avec LA TRON‚ONNEUSEProcŽdure dÕabattage Sifflet dÕabattage Abattage Dõun ArbreAvant dÕabattre un arbre Trait dÕabattageToute la bille repose au sol ƑBRANCHAGETRON‚ONNAGE Dõune Bille La bille est soutenue ˆ une extrŽmitŽNettoyage DU Carter DE TRON‚ONNEUSE Nettoyage ET EntretienTaille Dõun Arbre ƒlagage Entretien DE LA GUIDE-CHAëNERemisage Publications Dentretien Service TechniquePièces DE Rechange ET Accessoires NumŽro De pice DescriptionRéparations Service Sous GarantieService Hors Garantie DiversCause Possible DépannageDƒFAILLANCE OBSERVƒE REMéDEConserver Cette Garantie Information SUR LA GarantieGarantie LIMITƒE Pour LA TRON‚ONNEUSE ƒLECTRIQUE 108539 Installing Shoulder Screw or E-Ring Depending On Model LNT-2Parts LIST/LISTA DE REPUESTOS/LISTE DES Pièces NPC-4CEL-7 CLAVE/N DE Parte Not a UPC No ES UN UPC CE Code À Barres ’EST PAS UN Code