Simplicity H924RX manual How To Replace the Auger Shear Bolt, How To Order Replacement Parts

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6.(Figure 25) Note the position of the friction wheel (4). The correct distance “A” from the right side of the friction wheel (4) to the

outside of the motorbox is as follows:

Tire Size

Distance “A”

12 and 13 inch

4-1/8” (10.5 cm)

16 inch

4-5/16” (10.95 cm)

If the friction wheel (4) is not in the correct position, adjust as follows.

How To Adjust The Friction Wheel

1.(Figure 1) Position the shift speed lever (6) in the lowest forward speed.

2.(Figure 9) Loosen the bolts (1) on the speed control rod (8).

3.(Figure 25) Move the friction wheel (4) to the correct position.

4.(Figure 9) Tighten the bolts (1) on the speed control rod (8).

5.(Figure 23) Install the bottom panel (2).

6.Tighten the bolts (3) on each side of the bottom panel (2).

How To Replace The Friction Wheel

If the friction wheel is worn or damaged, the snow thrower will not move forward. The friction wheel must be replaced as follows.

1.(Figure 1) Remove the gas from the gas tank. Stand the snow thrower up on the front end of the auger housing (4).

WARNING: Drain the gasoline outdoors, away from fire or flame.

2.Pull out the safety key (8).

3.(Figure 29) Remove the fasteners that secure the left wheel (10). Remove the left wheel (10) from the axle (11).

4.Loosen the bolts (3) on each side of the bottom panel (2).

5.Remove the bottom panel (2).

6.(Figure 30) Remove the fasteners that secure the drive sprocket (12) to the axle (11).

7.Remove the right wheel, axle (11), and drive sprocket (12).

8.(Figure 31) Remove the four bolts (16) that hold the bearings (7) on each side of the hex shaft (8).

9.(Figure 32) Remove the hex shaft (8) and bearings (7).

NOTE: Take special note of the position of the washers (17).

10.(Figure 27) Remove the three fasteners (4) that hold the friction wheel (5) to the hub


11.(Figure 27) Remove the friction wheel (5) from the hub (6). Slip the friction wheel (5) off the hex shaft (8).

12.Assemble the new friction wheel (5) onto hub (6) with the fasteners removed earlier.

13.(Figure 32) Install the hex shaft (8) and bearings (7) with the four bolts removed earlier.

Make sure the washers (17) are properly installed in the original position. Also, make sure the two washers (13) are properly aligned with the actuator arms (14).

14.Make sure the hex shaft (8) turns freely.

15.(Figure 30) Install the right wheel, axle (11), and drive sprocket (12) with the fasteners removed earlier. Install the chain (15) onto the drive sprocket (12).

16.Check the adjustment of the friction wheel. See “How To Adjust The Friction Wheel” in this section.

17.Make sure the friction wheel and the disc drive plate are free from grease or oil.

18.(Figure 23) Install the bottom panel (2).

19.Tighten the bolts (3) on each side of the bottom panel (2).

20.Install the left wheel (10) to the axle (11) with the fasteners removed earlier.

How To Replace the Auger Shear Bolt

The augers are secured to the auger shaft with special shear bolts. These shear bolts are designed to break and protect the machine if an object becomes lodged in the auger housing. Do not use a harder bolt as the protection provided by the shear bolt will be lost.

WARNING: For safety and to protect the machine, use only original equipment shear bolts.

To replace a broken shear bolt, proceed as follows. Extra shear bolts were provided in the assembly parts bag.

1.(Figure 1) Move the stop switch (13) to the stop position. Disengage all controls.

2.Pull out the safety key (8). Make sure all moving parts have stopped.

3.(Figure 14) Lubricate the auger shaft Zerk fitting (1), if equipped, with a grease gun.

4.(Figure 26) Align the hole in the auger with the hole in the auger shaft. Install the new shear bolt (2), spacer (3), and locknut (4).

How To Prepare The Snow Thrower For Storage

WARNING: Do not remove gasoline while inside a building, near a fire, or while you smoke. Gasoline

fumes can cause an explosion or a fire.

If the snow thrower is to be stored for an extended period, refer to the engine manufacturer’s operating manual (included with some models) for important maintenance or storage details.


1.Drain the fuel tank.

2.Let the engine run until it is out of gasoline.

3.Never store the snow thrower with fuel in the tank inside a building where ignition sources are present such as hot water and space heaters, clothes dryers, and the like. Allow the engine (motor) to cool before storing in any enclosure.

4.Drain the oil from the warm engine. Fill the engine crankcase with new oil.

5.Remove the spark plug and pour about 15 ml (1/2 oz) of engine oil into the cylinder. Replace the spark plug and crank slowly to distribute the oil.

6.Thoroughly clean the snow thrower.

7.Lubricate all lubrication points. See the Maintenance section.

8.Be sure that all nuts, bolts and screws are securely fastened. Inspect all visible moving parts for damage, breakage and wear. Replace if necessary.

9.Cover the bare metal parts of the blower housing, auger, and the impeller with spray rust preventative lubricant.

10.Put the unit in a building that has good ventilation. Store in a clean and dry area, but NOT near a stove, furnace or water heater which uses a pilot light or any device that can create a spark.

11.If the machine must be stored outdoors, block up the snow thrower to be sure the entire machine is off the ground.

12.Cover the snow thrower with a suitable protective cover that does not retain moisture. Do not use plastic.

How To Order Replacement Parts

The replacement parts are shown either on the back pages of this Instruction Book or in a separate Parts List Book.

Use only manufacturer’s authorized or approved replacement parts. Do not use attachments or accessories not specifically recommended for this unit. In order to obtain proper replacement parts you must supply the model number (see nameplate).

To obtain replacement parts, contact your local Dealer.

Replacement parts for the engine, transaxle, or transmission, are available from the manufacturer’s authorized service centre found in the yellow pages of the telephone directory. Also, see the individual engine or transmission warranties to order replacement parts.

When ordering the following information is required:

(1)The Model Number

(2)Serial Number

(3)Part Number




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Contents OPERATOR’S Manual 1742227 Contents Left Right Down 1742227 When Adding Fuel Preparation Rules for Safe OperationTraining OperationClearing a Clogged Discharge Chute Service, Maintenance And Storage Ignition SystemChildren EmissionsAssembly OperationHow To Use The Wheel Lockout Pin How To Stop The Snow ThrowerHow To Throw Snow Figure How To Stop The Engine Figure Maintenance Chart MaintenanceHow To Check And Adjust The Cables How To Adjust The Height Of The Skids FigureHow To Adjust The Scraper Bar Figure Lubrication Every 10 Hours FigureHow To Adjust The Belt Guide How To Adjust The BeltsHow To Replace The Belts How To Adjust Or Replace The Friction WheelHow To Order Replacement Parts How To Replace the Auger Shear BoltHow To Prepare The Snow Thrower For Storage Trouble Shooting Chart Table DES Matières SignificationsGauche Droit Haut BAS Avertissement Avertissement Préparation Règles D’UTILISATION Dans DES Conditions DE SécuritéFormation Nettoyage d’une chute encrassée Entretien, maintenance et stockageEnfants Système d’allumageMontage FonctionnementArrêt du chasse−neige Figure Commande du déversement de la neigeSe familiariser avec le chasse−neige Figure Avancer et reculer FigureConseils pour l’utilisation du chasse−neige Ou un levier pour retirer neige et débrisTableau DE Maintenance EntretienRéglage du bord d’attaque Figure Pièces à ne pas lubrifier FigureRéglage de la hauteur des patins Figure Vérification et réglage des câblesRéglage du guide de courroie Remplacement des courroiesRéglage ou remplacement du disque de friction 12 et 13 pouces 10,5 cm 4−1/8 Pouces Préparation du chasse−neige pour le remisageTaille du pneu Distance « a » Sur la plus basse vitesse de la marche avantCommande de pièces détachées Tableau DE DepannageMontage Betrieb Wartungsdiagramm Fehlersuchdiagramm InhaltLinks Rechts Oben Nach Unten Gefahr Warnung Vorbereitung Regeln FÜR DEN Sicheren BetriebÜbung Freiräumen eines verstopften Auswurfkanal Service, Wartung und LagerungKinder AbgaseBetrieb Anhalten der Schneefräse Abb Über die Schneefräse AbbKontrollieren des Schneeauswurfs Vorwärts- und Rückwärtsfahren AbbSchnee und Geröll vom Räumwerk entfernen Tips für das SchneefräsenWartungsdiagramm WartungEinstellung der Streichstange Abb Objekte, die nicht geschmiert werden AbbEinstellung der Kufenhöhe Abb Überprüfen und Einstellen der KabelEinstellen bzw. Auswechseln des Reibrads Auswechseln der RiemenEinstellung der Riemenführung Bestellen von Ersatzteilen Auswechseln des SchneckenscherbolzensVorbereitung der Schneefräse auf die Lagerung Fehlersuchdiagramm Indice Montaggio USO Tabella DI Manutenzione1742227 Pericolo Avvertenza Preparazione Regole PER UN Funzionamento SicuroAddestramento ConduzioneManutenzione, assistenza e conservazione BambiniPulizia di uno scarico a gravità ostruito EmissioniMontaggio USOPrima di accendere il motore Interruzione delle operazioni dello spazzaneve FiguraLancio di neve Figura Spegnimento del motore FiguraSe possibile, scaricare la neve sottovento Suggerimenti per spazzare la neveAvviamento di un motore caldo Figura Tabella DI Manutenzione ManutenzioneControllo e regolazione dei cavi Parti che non devono essere lubrificate FiguraRegolazione della barra raschiatrice Figura Regolazione delle cinghieRegolazione della guida della cinghia Sostituzione delle cinghieRimozione della cinghia di azionamento della trivella Regolazione o sostituzione della ruota di frizioneOrdinazione di parti di ricambio Sostituzione dei bulloni di sicurezza della trivellaPreparazione dello spazzaneve per il rimessaggio Tabella PER LA Soluzione DEI Problemi Innhold Koble til elektrisitetsledning1742227 Fare 1742227 Forberedelse Regler for Sikker BrukOpplæring BrukRengjøre en tilstoppet utkastingssjakt Service, vedlikehold og lagringBarn UtslippMontering BrukFør du starter motoren Hvordan stoppe snøfreseren FigurHvordan frese snø Figur Hvordan stanse motoren FigurSnøfresingstips VedlikeholdstabellHvordan fjerne snø eller rester fra naverhuset Vedlikehold Hvordan justere beltelederen Hvordan justere belteneHvordan skifte ut beltene Hvordan gjøre snøfreseren klar for lagring Hvordan justere eller skifte ut friksjonshjuletHvordan skifte ut sikkerhetsbolt i naver Hvordan bestille reservedelerFeilsøkingstabell Varningssymboler OCH Förklaringar Innehåll1742227 Fara Varning Drift Regler FÖR Säkert HandhavandeUtbildning FörberedelseUtsläpp Service, underhåll och förvaringRengöring av ett igensatt utkaströr TändningssystemAnvändning Hur man använder hjulspärrpinne Figur Hur man gör för att köra framåt och bakåt FigurHur man slungar snö Figur Innan motorn startasSnöröjningstips UnderhållsschemaHur man tar bort snö och skräp ur inmatarhuset Underhåll Hur man justerar remguiden Hur man justerar remmarnaHur man byter ut remmarna Hur man förbereder snöslungan för förvaring Hur man justerar eller byter ut friktionshjuletHur man byter brytbult till inmataren Hur man beställer reservdelarFelsökningsschema 1742227 1742227 1742227 1742227 1742227 1742227 1742227 1742227 1742227