•Maintenance Record: Scroll through a list of items that accumulates after the maintenance record is reset, including:
–Last Maintenance Date
–Operating Days
–Engine Starts
–Total kWh
–Total Runhours
•Next Maintenance: View the month and year of the next scheduled maintenance and the number of days remaining until the next scheduled maintenance. Reset the maintenance record so that the data in the Maintenance Record menu returns to zero.
Generator Settings This screen allows you to access the following settings:
•Operating Settings
The amount of time the generator waits after initiation of the start | |
| signal before it begins powering the load. This setting is |
| configurable on the generator control panel (default is 0). |
The amount of time between when the start signal is removed and | |
| when the generator stops. This setting is configurable on the |
| generator control panel (default is 0). |
The following settings can be changed in the generator service | |
| menus by service personnel. |
| • Crank: Indicates whether the crank cycle is enabled. If the crank |
| cycle is not enabled, the generator will continue attempting to |
| start until the battery dies. |
| • Crank Cycles: The number of crank cycles the generator will go |
| through when attempting to start (default is 3). |
| • Crank Time: The amount of time the generator will crank during |
| a crank cycle (default is 15 seconds). |
| • Rest Time: The amount of time the generator will rest after it |
| cranks during a crank cycle (default is 15 seconds). |
NOTE: APC does not recommend changing the default values of the generator settings described above.
•Manufacturer Data
The type of fuel the generator uses (default is diesel). | |
The size of the fuel tank on the generator (in gallons or liters). | |
Date the generator was assembled at the factory. | |
Generator model number from Cummins®. | |
The serial number of the generator. | |
Nominal input voltage (208 V or 480 V). | |
Nominal frequency setting of the alternator output (50 or 60 Hz). | |
The power rating of the generator (80 kW or 125 kW). |
•Gen Output Adjust
Displays the desired alternator output voltage (configurable on the | |
| generator control panel). |
Displays the desired alternator output frequency (configurable on | |
| the generator control panel). |
38 | InfraStruXure Power Generation System |