Oki ML590 manual Important Safety Instructions

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Important Safety Instructions

Your OKIDATA printer has been carefully designed to give you years of safe, reliable performance. As with all electrical equipment, however, there are a few basic precautions you should take to avoid hurting yourself or damaging the unit:

·Read the setup and operating instructions in this handbook carefully. Be sure to save it for future reference.

·Read and follow all warning and instruction labels on the printer itself.

·Unplug the printer before you clean it. Use only a damp cloth; do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners.

·Place your printer on a firm, solid surface. If you put it on something unsteady, it might fall and be damaged; if you place it on a soft surface, such as a rug, sofa, or bed, the vents may be blocked, causing it to overheat.

·To protect your printer from overheating, make sure no openings on the printer are blocked. Don’t put the printer on or near a heat source, such as a radiator or heat register. If you put the printer in any kind of enclo- sure, make sure it is well ventilated.

·The printhead can get quite hot when it’s been printing for a length of time. Don’t touch the printhead until it’s had a chance to cool.

·Do not use your printer near water, or spill liquid of any kind into it.

·Be certain that your power source matches the rating listed on the back of the printer. If you're not sure, check with your dealer or with your local power company.

·Your printer has a grounded, 3-prong plug as a safety feature, and it will only fit into a grounded outlet. If you can't plug it in, chances are you have a non-grounded outlet; contact an electrician to have it replaced with a grounded outlet. Do not use an adapter to defeat the grounding.

The printer must be installed near a power outlet which remains easily accessible.

·To avoid damaging the power cord, don’t put anything on it or place it where it will be walked on. If the cord becomes damaged or frayed, replace it immediately.

·If you’re using an extension cord or power strip with the printer, make sure that the total of the amperes required by all the equipment on the extension is less than the extension’s rating. Generally, the total ratings of all equipment plugged into any one power line should not exceed 15 amperes. Don’t exceed this unless you know that the power line your equipment is plugged into has a rating above 15 amperes.

·Aside from the routine maintenance described in this handbook, don’t try to service the printer yourself; opening the cover may expose you to shocks or other hazards. Don’t make any adjustments other than those outlined in the handbook — you might cause damage requiring extensive repair work.

·If anything happens that indicates that your printer is not working properly or has been damaged, unplug it immediately and have your printer serviced. These are some of the things to look for:

ÞThe power cord or plug is frayed or damaged.

ÞLiquid has been spilled into the housing, or the printer has been exposed to water.

ÞThe printer has been dropped or its cabinet has been damaged.

ÞThe printer doesn't function normally when you're following the operating instructions.

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Contents Microline Bishops Gate Blvd. Mount Laurel, NJ Important Safety Instructions Consignes de sécurité importantes Instrucciones Importantes De Seguridad Instruções Importantes Sobre Segurança Table of Contents English Ra ¸ Ccccccccccc ML Table des matries FrançaisContenido Español Modificação temporária do início da Remoção dos materiais deConexão com o computador e à rede Ajuste do início da impressão para folhasPage Desembalagem UnpackingDéballage DesembalajeRetrait des cales de protection en carton Remove the Protective FilmRemove the Shipping Retainers Retrait du film protecteurInstalação do cartucho de fita Install the Ribbon CartridgeInstallation de la cartouche de ruban Instale el cartucho de cintaConexão com o computador e à rede elétrica Connect to Your Computer and to the Power LineLigar a impressora Turn on the PrinterMise sous tension de l’imprimante Encienda la impresoraColocação do papel Loading PaperFolhas avulsas de papel Single-Sheet PaperFeuilles individuelles Hojas sueltasPreliminares PreliminariesPréliminaires PreparaciónColocação de folha avulsa de papel Loading Single-Sheet PaperChargement de feuilles individuelles Carga de hojas sueltasPage Ajuste do início da impressão para folhas avulsas de papel Definición del margen superior para hojas sueltasCambio provisional del margen superior para una hoja suelta Alimentação de papel por trás Rear-Feed PaperAlimentation arrière du papier Papel alimentado desde atrásPreliminaries Colocação do papel para a alimentação por trás Loading Rear-Feed PaperChargement du papier par la voie dalimentation arrière Carga del papel alimentado desde atrásPage Page Page Característica de separador de papel Características de manejo del papelCaracterísticas de manuseio do papel Fonction découpeCaracterística de separador de papel ˜ ˜Fonction de découpe du papier Destacar o formulárioCaracterística de separador de papel continuación Fonction de découpe du papier suiteDestacar formulário continuação Lˆâ ULˆ â âtpı D Uâ tpıPó íçC Off, see Problem Solving in Chapter Característica de posicionar o papel Whyr é ÊíFsvhk éCaracterística de estacionamiento del papel Switching from Continuous-Form Paper to Single-Sheet Paper Cambio de papel continuo a hoja sueltaMudar de formulário contínuo para folha avulsa de papel Mudar de folha avulsa de papel para formulário contínuo Comprobación de la impresora Teste da impressora Test Ascii de défilement Font Test Self TestRolling Ascii Test Test de fontes auto testSetting Up Your Printer with Software Terminologia básica Basic TerminologyTerminologie de base Changement démulationsSeleção do driver de impressão Selecting a Printer DriverSélection dun gestionnaire dimpression Selección de un controlador de impresoraTo next Group Les voyants indiquent le pas de caractère sélectionné Modo de Impresión Pressione para Utfbs N Luz Power acende quando a impressora está ligadaModo de Impresión Ubq NPage ˜ fé ç ˜é Áè˜ç ãç ó Lç lçWçãç lç Accès au mode MenuBçèç lç l Bólçl˜ ó Sèç oólçIç ó El menú de la impresoraBotões ativos no modo Menu Uálç lVçãç lç Vç ç lçProblem Solving & Maintenance Nothing happens when I turn on the printer Résolution des problèmesSolución de problemas Solução de problemasPage Page Page Page Suppression des bourrages de papier alimenté par l’arrière Para eliminar atascos de papel de alimentación desde atrásEliminar bloqueio de papel na alimentação por trás ˜Lu z ˜Lu zC Access cover Capot daccès Cubierta de acceso Tampa de acesso 5E ˆ Nettoyage du boîtierPage Peças de reposição Pièces de rechangeCwx TQQ hwz Bg Q Cwx9D69 QfW, 15 CPI KpS 16G996EDC6BAGA2 Cb BF8 Cb BF9 Yellow = 0.8 million characters Qw hwz Tz hwzIUqaoeUh pUbaqv YUqU pdaaq Mounting on printer Place. Do not pull ribbon out of cassette except forSur les interférences radio Section de référence 2 FrançaisTable des matières Déclaration du ministère canadien des communicationsIndiqués en à Kxyè´x8C58 PfV , 15 CPI 7N 3 h Comment commander des pièces Spécifications Arrière 12 à 24 lb ML 590 3 à Inférieure ML 591 3 à Nèà BxØ´Dimensions l x Ø x h Exigences liées à l’environnementCaractéristiques électriques Fiche de dqppeeu de uecxtive N58087501 Cas d’urgence MesuresNettoyage des déversements ou dispersions o Précautions spéciales 9769=7 mè Especificaciones Hoja de datos de seguridad de los materialesElectromagnético para modelos de 230/240 Voltios Iñw Jwxñw z cúú9D69 PfV, 15 CPI NII Emulaciones Método de impresiónCabeza de impresión AjustesAlimentación Peso Rango de ancho Qáóú0wúyıúz Requisitos eléctricosRóxá GoiV cd cVtos cd sdfurhcVc cd los mVtdrhVlds Hlbljhbc Page Eletromagnética para modelos de 230/240 Volts Seção de consulta 4 PortuguêsConteúdo Folha de dados de segurança de materiaisTabela do menu Grupo ConfiguraçõesNo, Yes LGG Como Obter Informações Sobre os Códigos de ProgramaçãoCaracteres por linha cpl Parâmetro Médoto de impressãoCabeçote de impressão Velocidade de impressão ModoTipo de papel Alimentação Peso Faixa de largura Especificações do papelAs especificações estão sujeitas a alteração sem aviso Dimensões C x L x HRequisitos ambientais Requisitos elétricosPonto de ignição método usadoI i8R InflamávelI Emergência ProcedimentoGravidade específica HFO=1 dados não disponíveis Aparência e odorI éı líquida pretaPage Material safety data sheet Index Français Indice Español 48-50 Folha avulsa de papel