1: Planning to upgrade your BlackBerry environment
Additional upgrade resources
The following upgrade options might apply to your BlackBerry environment. Use the resources listed in the following table to plan and perform the upgrade.
Upgrade option | Description | Resource |
Move the BlackBerry | You must upgrade from Microsoft® SQL | Visit www.blackberry.com/knowledgecenterpublic to read |
Configuration Database to a | Server™ Database Engine (MSDE) Version 7 | article |
different database | to MDSE 2000 or to Microsoft SQL Server. |
application. |
Change to a new license | If you are changing from the BlackBerry® | Visit www.blackberry.com/knowledgecenterpublic to read |
model during the upgrade. | Enterprise Server - Small Business Edition | article |
| to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, you |
| require a new client access license key in |
| addition to the software. |
Upgrade a pilot environment | If you have a separate BlackBerry | Visit www.blackberry.com/knowledgecenterpublic to read |
to a production environment. | Configuration Database in your pilot | article |
| environment, you must consider how to use |
| the BlackBerry Configuration Database in |
| your production environment. |
| You can make the pilot BlackBerry |
| Configuration Database your new |
| production BlackBerry Configuration |
| Database. When you upgrade the |
| BlackBerry Enterprise Server to use this |
| new BlackBerry Configuration Database, |
| use wireless enterprise activation to |
| migrate user accounts to the new database. |
| You can also upgrade your existing |
| production BlackBerry Configuration |
| Database to BlackBerry Enterprise Server |
| Version 4.1.4. When you configure the pilot |
| BlackBerry Enterprise Server to use the |
| production BlackBerry Configuration |
| Database, use wireless enterprise |
| activation to migrate user accounts to the |
| new database. |
| BlackBerry devices must be running |
| BlackBerry Device Software Version 4.0 or |
| later to use wireless enterprise activation. |