Tunturi T90 Heart Rate, Meter, Starts the selected training and activates the running belt

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No matter what your goal, you’ll get the best results by training at the right level of effort, and the best measure is your own heart rate.



The handgrip sensors in the handrails take a pulse measurement when the user of the T90 is touching both sensors simultaneously. Reliable pulse measurement requires that the skin is constantly touching the sensors and that the skin is slightly moist. Skin which is too dry or moist will interfere with the pulse measurement. Please also note that heavy pounding of feet on the running belt during exercise can cause interference that may affect the accuracy of the handgrip pulse measurement. To ensure safe operation, we recommend that you use pulse measurement only when training at a walking pace or standing on the landing rails located on each side of the running belt, or when the treadmill has come to a stop. NOTE! Once activated, the pulse meter performs an initial check and starts measuring your pulse in 8 seconds.


The most reliable heart rate measurement is achieved with a telemetric device, in which the electrodes of the transmitter fastened to the chest transmit the pulses from the heart to the meter by means of an electromagnetic field.

NOTE! If you are fitted with a pacemaker, please consult a physician before using a wireless heart rate monitor.

If you want to measure your heart rate this way during your workout, moisten the grooved electrodes on the transmitter belt with saliva or water. Fasten the transmitter just below the chest with the elastic belt, firmly enough so that the electrodes remain in contact with the skin while exercising, but not so tight that normal breathing is prevented. If you wear the transmitter and belt over a light shirt, moisten the shirt slightly at the points where the electrodes touch the shirt. The transmitter automatically transmits the heart rate reading to the meter up to a distance of about 1 m.

If the electrode surfaces are not moist, the heart-rate reading will not appear on the display. If the electrodes are dry, they must be moistened again. Allow the electrodes warm up properly to ensure accurate heart rate measurement. If there are several telemetric heart rate measurement devices next to each other, the distance between them should be at least 1.5 m. Similarly, if there is only one receiver and several transmitters in use, only one person with a transmitter should be within transmission range. The transmitter is switched to an active state only when it is being used for measurement. Sweat and other moisture can, however, keep the transmitter in an active state and waste battery energy. Therefore it is important to dry the electrodes carefully after use.

O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L T 9 0

When selecting training attire, please note that some fibers used in clothes (e.g. polyester, polyamide) create static electricity, which may prevent reliable heart rate measurement.

Please note that a mobile phone, television and other electrical appliances form an electromagnetic field around them, which will cause problems in heart rate measurement.

First find your maximum heart rate i.e. where the rate doesn’t increase with added effort. If you don’t know your maximum heart rate, please use the following formula as a guide:

208 – 0,7 X AGE

These are average values and the maximum varies from person to person. The maximum heart-rate diminishes on average by one point per year. If you belong to a risk group, ask a doctor to measure your maximum heart rate for you.

We have defined three different heart-rate zones to help you with targeted training.

BEGINNER: 50-60 % of maximum heart-rate Also suitable for weight-watchers, convalescents and those who haven’t exercised for a long time. Three sessions a week of at least a half-hour each is recommended. Regular exercise considerably improves beginners’ respiratory and circulatory performance and you will quickly feel your improvement.

TRAINER: 60-70 % of maximum heart-rate

Perfect for improving and maintaining fitness. Even reasonable effort develops the heart and lungs effectively, training for a minimum of 30 minutes at least three times a week. To improve your condition still further, increase either frequency or effort, but not both at the same time!

ACTIVE TRAINER: 70-80 % of maximum heart-rate Exercise at this level suits only the fittest and presupposes long-endurance workouts.




Starts the selected training and activates the running belt.


RABBIT key increases the belt speed in 0,1 km/h / mph increments, the TURTLE key decreases it in 0,1 km/h

/mph increments. Pressing these keys longer makes the speed change faster. Track speed ranges from 0,5-24,0 km/h / 0,3-15 mph.


Click the elevation up key to increase elevation in 0,5

%increments, and the elevation down key to decrease it in 0,5 % increments. Pressing these keys longer makes



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Contents T90 Contents Before assembling the device, insure all parts are present AssemblyRunning base Power cord Basics on Exercising Meter Heart RateStarts the selected training and activates the running belt Click the elevation up key to increase elevation in 0,5Choosing AN Exercise Press the SET key to change or check device settings10 %, 0,5 % increments 00-99.99 km, 0,01 km incrementsP3 Fitness Tests P1 Manual ExerciseP2 Heart Rate Controlled Exercise P4-P16 Preset Training Programs N E R ’ S M a N U a L T 9 Cleaning and Lubricating the Treadmill MaintenanceMalfunctions Error CodesTreadmill is instantly ready for use Alignment of the belt is correctMoving and Storage Technical DataMaintenance Code Prüfen Sie, dass folgende Teile vorhanden sind MontageLaufunterlage Netzkabel VorderstangenHandstütze UND Cockpit Allgemeines ZUM TrainingSicherheitsschlüssel NetzkabelHerzfrequenz Fortgeschrittene 60-70 % der maximalen Herzfrequenz CockpitBeginnen Sie mit der gewählten Trainingseinheit FunktionstastenBestätigen Sie die SET-Taste Schalten Sie die Verwendung der TonsignaleAnzeigen GRAFIK/TEXTANZEIGEP1 MANUAL-TRAINING Wahl DER TrainingseinheitP2 Herzfrequenzgesteuertes Training P3 KonditionstestKM Gehtest P4-P16 Vorprogrammierte Trainingsprogramme T R I E B S a N L E I T U N G T 9 Reinigung DES Laufbandes UND Pflege DER Laufplatte WartungFehlermeldungen BetriebsstörungenDas Cockpit zeigt eine Funktionsstörung auf der Anzeige an Ausrichten DER LaufmatteWartungsmeldung Transport UND AufbewahrungTechnische Daten Conseils ET Avertissements Barres D’APPUI Avant AssemblagePiste Fil électrique Faire tourner les pièces coulissantes situées sur les côtés Généralités SUR ’ENTRAÎNEMENTRythme Cardiaque Pour Commencer Votre ExerciceUnite DES Compteurs Reglages DE L’APPAREIL 10 %, par crans de 0,5 %Affichages Quick start Démarrage rapide Choix DE L’ENTRAINEMENTP1 Manual P2 Entrainement PAR Controle DE LA Frequence CardiaqueP3 Test DE Condition Physique P4-P16 Programmes D’ENTRAINEMENT Preprogrammes Appuyez sur la touche SELECT, jusqu’à ce que leD E D ´ E M P L O I T 9 Nettoyage DE L’APPAREIL ET Graissage DE LA Plaque DE Base EntretienReglage DE L’ALIGNEMENT DU Tapis Coder D’ERREURReglage DE LA Tension DU Tapis Defauts DE FonctionnementCode D’ENTRETIEN Transport ET RangementCaracteristiques Techniques Voorleuningen Controleer of de verpakking alle onderdelen bevatLoopmat Elektriciteitssnoer Handsteun EN Meter Fitness TrainingNoodstop ElektriciteitssnoerHartslag Beginnen MET DE TrainingToetsen Begin met de door u gekozen trainingCalorieverbruik 0-9999 kcal met 1 kcal nauwkeurigheid Trainingskeuze10 %, met 0,5 % nauwkeurigheid Trainingsafstand 0,00-99,99 km met 0,01 km nauwkeurigheidP3 Conditietest P1 Manuele TrainingP2 Hartslaggestuurde Training P4-P16 Voorgeprogrammeerde TRAININGSPROGRAMMA’S N D L E I D I N G T 9 Reiniging EN Smering VAN DE Looptrainer OnderhoudStoringen GebruiksstoringenDe monitor meldt de storingen op het screen aan HET Centreren VAN DE LoopmatOnderhoud Melding Transport EN OpslagTechnische Gegevens Barre D’APPOGGIO Anteriori AssemblaggioTappeto Cavo di alimentazione Corrimano E Contatore AllenamentoChiave DI Sicurezza Cavo PER LA CorrenteBattito Cardiaco Tasti Funzione PannelloParti con l’esercizio prescelto Scelta DELL’ESERCIZIO ImpostazioniÁngulo de inclinación, 0-10 %, con intervalli di 0,5 % Premi il tasto SETP3 Test DI Condizione Fisica P2 Esercizio a Controllo Pulsazioni CardiacheP4-P16 Programmi Preimpostati N U a L E D ´ U S O T 9 Sei tu a regolare la inclinazione con i tasti inclinazione Pari al 2,4% ManutenzionePulizia DAL Treadmill ED Lubrificazione Allineamento DEL NastroCodici Disfunzioni Disturbi Durante L’USOSpostamento ED Immagazzinaggio Codici ManutenzioneDati Tecnici Compruebe si en los embalajes están todas las piezas MontajeSuperficie de carrera Cable de alimentación Barandillas DelanterasManillar Y Contador Aspectos Generales DEL EntrenamientoLlave DE Seguridad Cable DE AlimentaciónMantenga derechos la espalda y el cuello para evitar Ritmo CardíacoTeclas de función Entrenamiento 60-70 % del ritmo cardíaco máximoEl ejercicio elegido se pone en marcha ContadorPantallas Configuracion DE LOS Datos DEL UsuarioSelección DEL Ejercicio 10 % en escalones de 0,5 %P3 Prueba Para Medir LA Condición Física Puesta en marcha mediante configuración del usuarioP2 Ejercicios DE Ritmo Cardíaco Constante P4-P16 Programas DE Ejercicio Predeterminados Speed Enter Poner en marcha la cinta a 5 km/h MantenimientoLa cinta esté bien alineada Defectos DE Funcionamento Códigos DE ErrorTraslado Y Almacenaje Datos TécnicosN U a L D E L U S a R I O T 9 Börja med att packa upp och kolla att du har följande delar MonteringLöpunderlag Elsladd Stolpar Mätare med handtagAllmänt OM Träning Puls Starta träningen MätareUppskattad energiförbrukning 0-9999 kcal i steg om 1 kcal Lutningsvinkeln 0-10 % i steg om 0,5 %Snabbstart VAL AV TräningApparatinställningar P1 MANUAL-TRÄNINGP4-P16 Färdiga Träningsprogram U K S a N V I S N I N G T 9 0 S Enter Spruta smörjmedel på underlaget i hela dess längd ServiceRengöring OCH Smörjning AV Löpband Centrering AV LöpbandStörningar VID Användning Service KODKoder FÖR FEL Transport OCH FörvaringEtukaiteet AsennusJuoksualusta Verkkojohto Laitetta saa käyttää vain sisätiloissa Yleistä HarjoittelustaSyke Käynnistät valitun harjoitteen MittariPainamalla jänispainiketta lisäät maton nopeutta Vahvistat valintasi harjoite, käyttäjäasetukset10 %, 0,5 % portain Harjoituksen ValintaKcal, 1 kalorin portain P3 Kuntotesti P4-P16 Valmiit Harjoitusohjelmat Y T T Ö O H J E T 9 Maton Keskittäminen HuoltoJuoksumaton Puhdistus JA Huoltovoitelu Tekniset Tiedot KäyttöhäiriötKuljetus JA Säilytys FIN T90 T90 Profiles Page 583 4032 a