Yamaha DC1516V Polifonía, Polifonia, Ajuste de polifonía, Impostazione della polifonia, 設定複調

Page 34



Inicialmente, el número máximo de notas que pueden tocarse simultáneamente con un sonido de muestreo estéreo es de 32 en el piano “Silent Series”. Si está tocando a dúo o una canción con gran pedaleo que sobrepase la polifonía disponible, las notas de sostenido pueden pararse repentinamente cuando toque notas nuevas. Para evitar esto, podrá aumen- tar la polifonía a estéreo es de 64.


32 notas (muestreo estéreo)



Ajuste de

64 notas (estéreo)





Ajuste de polifonía

Ponga el interruptor de alimentación en la posición OFF.

Para ajustar polifonía, mantenga pulsada la tecla Do central y conecte la alimentación del piano “Silent Series” (1, 2).


Inizialmente il numero massimo di note che possono essere suonate contemporaneamente, con un sonoro campionamento stereo, è 32 per il piano Silent Series. Se si suona un duetto o una canzone con molta azione dei pedali che eccede la polifonia disponibile, le note sostenute pos- sono interrompersi improvvisamente quando sono suonate note nuove. Per evitare questo inconveniente, si può aumentare la polifonia a 64 stereo.


32 note


(campionamento stereo)


64 note (stereo)





Impostazione della polifonia

Regolare l’interruttore di alimentazione sulla posizione OFF.

Per impostare la polifonia, tenere premuto il tasto di Do centrale mentre si accende il piano Silent Series (1, 2).


本鋼琴最初能夠同時以立體聲試樣聲演最多 可奏 32- 音調。若您頻繁使用腳踏板以演奏 二重奏 , 或者樂曲而超出現有複調數量﹐當 演奏新音調時延長音會突然停止。為防止這 種現象﹐您可將複調增加至 64- 立體聲。


32- 音調 ( 立體聲試樣 )


64- 音調 ( 立體聲 )





若要設定複調﹐如 (12) 所示, 當增大本 鋼琴功率時按壓中間 C 按鍵。


Image 34
Contents Page Special Message Section Please Keep this Manual Important Notice for the United Kingdom Inhalt ContentsOther documentation Weitere DokumentationSommario ÌndiceOtros documentos Altra documentazioneEigenschaften FeaturesFonctions Características CaratteristicheSound of a Yamaha concert grand Der Klang eines Yamaha KonzertflügelsYamaha 平臺鋼琴的美妙聲音 El sonido de un piano Yamaha gran cola de conciertosLa sonorità di un pianoforte a coda da concerto Yamaha 本鋼琴來自世界上先進的鋼琴製造廠商之Contenu de la boîte d’accessoires du piano de la Inhalt des Zubehörpaketes des Pianos der SilentLa scatola degli accessori del piano Silent Series contiene Contenido de la caja de accesorios del piano SilentVorsichtsmaßnahmen PrecautionsPrécautions Precauzioni Precauciones注意事項 Stromversorgung Power connectionMise sous tension 電源連接 Conexión eléctricaCavo di alimentazione Sujete el cable al piano Silent SeriesVerwenden Sie nur den mitgelieferten Adapter Disconnecting the Silent Series piano from the power supplyUse only the supplied adaptor Stromversorgung des Pianos der Silent-SerieunterbrechenUsxate soltanto l’adattatore fornito Utilice únicamente el adaptador suministradoDesconexión del piano Silent Series Scollegamento del piano Silent Series dall’alimentazioneControl box Front panel Boîtier de commandes Panneau avantSteuerkasten Vorderseite Unità di controllo Pannello frontale Caja de Control Panel delantero控制盒前面板 Über den Einsatz Ihres Pianos How to use your Silent Series pianoComment utiliser votre piano 如何使用本鋼琴? Utilización del piano SilentCome usare il vostro piano Uso del pedal centralDigitalpiano einschalten Switch on the digital pianoMettre le piano numérique sous tension Encendido del piano digital Accendete il piano digitaleRéglage du volume Plug in the headphonesAdjust the volume Kopfhörer anschließenConexión de los auriculares Ajuste del volumenRegolazione del volume Inserite le cuffieReverb Halleffekt ReverbReverbération Ajuste del nivel de reverberación ReverberaciónRiverbero Selezione della quantità di riverberoAnwahl des Halltyps Setting the type of reverbRéglage du type de réverbération Selezione del tipo di riverbero Ajuste del tipo de reverberación設定混響的類型 Hinweis 您必須壓住按鍵直至聽到喀嗒聲為止﹐然後 再鬆開按鍵。否則﹐便不能選擇所需混響程 式。 Polyphonie Setting the polyphonyPolyphony Anwahl der erweiterten PolyphonieAjuste de polifonía PolifoníaPolifonia Impostazione della polifoniaHinweis Nota Einstellen der Tonhöhe Adjusting the PitchRéglage de la hauteur Regolazione del tono Ajuste del diapasón調節音高 Feinstimmung Fine tuningAccord fin Afinación precisa Accordatura precisaHöher stimmen Tuning UpTuning Down Tiefer stimmenAccordatura a salire Afinación hacia arribaAfinación hacia abajo Accordatura a scendereDeaktivieren der Feinstimmung Cancelling the Fine TuningAnnulation du réglage d’accord fin Annullamento dell’accordatura precisa Cancelación de la afinación precisa取消微調 Control box Rear panel Boîtier de commandes Panneau arrièreSteuerkasten Rückseite Unità di controllo Pannello posteriore Caja de mandos Parte trasera控制盒後面板 Benutzung der AUX Anschlüsse Using the AUX terminalsUtilisation des connecteurs Utilizzo delle prese AUX Utilización de los terminales使用 AUX 接頭 AUX OUT AUX Outaux 輸出 Using the Midi terminals Benutzung der Midi AnschlüsseUtilizzo dei connettori Midi 使用 Midi 接頭Using your Silent Series piano as a Midi keyboard Midi OUT Utilizzo del piano Silent Series come tastiera Midi Midi OUT 將本鋼琴用作為 Midi 鍵盤Using a Midi device to play the Silent Series piano Midi Midi使用 Midi 裝置以演奏本鋼琴 Midi Inmidi 輸入Midi OUT 本鋼琴會響應音調開啟和關閉資訊以及 3 個 腳踏板的控制器資訊。 Einstellen des MIDI-Empfangskanals Changing the Midi Receive ChannelChanger le canal de réception Midi Cambio del canal de recepción Midi 變換 Midi 接收通道Abspielen der Demosongs Playing the demo songsEcouter les morceaux de démonstration Riproduzione dei brani dimostrativi Escuchar las canciones de demostración播放演示樂曲 Page 再調節 Volume 音量 旋鈕。 F6 A6 當播放暫停時不能使用其他放音功能。若要 使用其他功能﹐ 首先按壓 C7 按鍵以恢復播 放。 若要快倒 , 當按住 G#6 時按壓 F#6 按鍵。 僅可在播放時﹐並且僅可在按住 G#6 按鍵時 使用快倒和快進。 Annulation du mode de démonstration Cancelling Demo Song modeVerlassen des Demo-Modus’ Disattivazione del modo di dimostrazione brani Cancelar el modo demo song取消演示樂曲模式 Problemlösungen Quick troubleshootingGuide de dépannage rapide Inconvenienti e rimedi Guida rapida Breve sección sobre localización y reparación de averías快速故障排除 If there’s too much or too little reverb Hay demasiada o demasiado poca reverbe- ración If a demo song unexpectedly starts play- ing 若演示樂曲突然開始演奏: Technische Daten des SpecificationsCaractéristiques techniques Specifiche tecniche del Especificaciones del sistema快速靜音系統規格 Pitch Tono Exitos para Piano Klassiker für des Piano50 首鋼琴名曲 Box 3, Hamamatsu, 430-8651 Japan Midi Implementation Chart Version

DC1516V specifications

The Yamaha DC1516V is a professional audio console that stands out for its advanced features and high-quality performance, making it a go-to choice for live sound, recording, and broadcast applications. Designed for flexibility and ease of use, this digital mixing console offers a comprehensive set of tools for audio engineers and musicians alike.

One of the key features of the DC1516V is its impressive channel count, which allows for extensive input options. The console supports up to 16 input channels, enabling users to connect multiple instruments, microphones, and other audio sources simultaneously. Each channel is equipped with independent gain control, EQ settings, and auxiliary outputs, ensuring optimal sound management for any performance or recording scenario.

The DC1516V is powered by Yamaha's sophisticated digital signal processing technology, providing users with exceptional audio quality and low latency. This technology enables features such as precise EQ adjustments, dynamic range control, and integrated effects processing, allowing for a polished and professional sound. The console also supports various digital audio formats and standards, making it compatible with a wide range of audio equipment.

Another standout characteristic of the Yamaha DC1516V is its intuitive user interface. The console features a clear LCD display and strategically placed controls, facilitating ease of navigation and operation. This design minimizes the learning curve for new users, while also providing experienced engineers with quick access to critical settings during live events.

Additionally, the DC1516V is equipped with built-in USB connectivity, allowing for seamless integration with digital audio workstations (DAWs). This feature enables users to record performances directly to their computers or play back audio files from their DAW without external hardware, streamlining the recording process.

Furthermore, the console includes a range of built-in effects, including reverbs, delays, and modulation effects. These tools can be applied to individual channels or the overall mix, enhancing creativity and flexibility in sound shaping.

In summary, the Yamaha DC1516V is a versatile digital mixing console that combines professional-grade sound quality with user-friendly features. Its robust design, extensive connectivity options, and advanced processing capabilities make it an ideal choice for audio professionals seeking reliable performance in live and studio environments. Whether for concerts, events, or studio sessions, the DC1516V is engineered to deliver exceptional audio results.