Snom M9 quick start Warranty period runs for 24 months from the day on which

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snom m9 Quick Start Guide








• Do not expose the product to direct sunlight.


• The product may heat up when the batteries are being charged. This is



normal. However, we recommend that you do not place the product on





antique/veneered wood to avoid damage.


• Do not stand your product on carpets or other surfaces which generate



fibres, or place it in locations preventing the free flow of air over its





• Do not submerge any part of your product in water and do not use it in



damp or humid conditions, such as bathrooms.


• Do not expose your product to fire, explosive or other hazardous





• There is a slight chance that your product could be damaged by a



thunder storm. We recommend that you unplug the power and



telephone line cord and switch off your computer during a thunder





Limited warranty


This limited warranty (hereinafter the Warranty) is valid for the products


snom m9 base station and cordless snom m9 handset and original


accessories thereof (hereinafter the Product). The Warranty is valid only in


the country in which the product was originally purchased.


• The Warranty covers only manufacturing defects, and only insofar



as the Product has been used and stored in accordance with the



instructions set out in the user guide.


• The Warranty is issued by the retailer from whom the Product was



originally purchased to the end purchaser of the Product (hereinafter



the Customer).


• In accordance with the Warranty, the Customer has a sole claim



to demand that the Product be repaired/replaced and may not in



accordance with the provisions of the Warranty assert further claims



against the manufacturer/retailer for indirect loss, including but not



limited to loss of data or loss of profit.


• The warranty period runs for 24 months from the day on which the



Customer originally purchased the Product from a retailer. Subsequent



changes of ownership do not extend the warranty period.

snom m9 Quick Start Guide





• The Warranty is valid solely on the condition that the Product is taken



to a retailer within the warranty period. In the event of a fault or defect


in the Product, it must be taken to a retailer in the country in which


the Product was purchased. Products are repaired or exchanged at


the retailer’s own discretion. The warranty period is not extended for a


repaired or replaced Product. Exchanged parts are the property of the





The Warranty is valid solely on the condition that the original proof of purchase issued to the original purchaser is presented with the Product.

The Warranty is not valid

if the Product has been opened or repair attempted by a person other than a retailer,

if the fault with the Product is due to general wear, incorrect use or storage, including use or storage not conforming to the instructions set out in the user guide or faults caused by poor maintenance of the Product,

if the fault is the result of the Product not being used for its intended purpose,

if the fault is due to external causes such as but not limited to rough handling or misadventure,

if the fault is caused by the use of accessories or other peripheral units which are not original accessories intended for use with the Product,

if the fault is due to a break in the network or power supply,

if the fault is due to the fact that the battery has short circuited or has been forced open or an attempt made to modify it, or the battery has been used in equipment other than for which it is intended,

if the software in the Product needs to be upgraded due to changes in the network. In addition to his statutory rights and those set out above, the Customer has no other basis for a claim.

Amendments or additions to the Warranty are only valid with the written consent of the retailer.




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Contents Quick Start Guide English Deutsch Français Italiano EspañolAppendix · anhang · annexe · apendice · anexo Delivery content DC plug inner Ø 1.35 mm, outer Belt clipYou will also need Copyright, Trademarks, GPL, Legal Disclaimers Standards ConformanceOther health risks Power supplies/adapters, rechargeable batteryPlacement of base, charger, cables, cords If you have an implanted pacemakerSensitive Electronic Equipment Selv Safety Extra Low Voltage ComplianceMedical devices Implanted medical devicesDisposal Disposal of phone Battery DisposalCleaning Charging and discharging, storageSide view LI InstallationHandset registration Configuration of a VoIP accountStopwatch, Calculator, Notepad, Calendar, RSS Reader Press center of navigation key to open top-level menuRedial Reset base stationReset handset Phone operation Make and answer callsCleaning Intended UseGeneral Environmental Warranty is not validSafety Information & Warranty Warranty period runs for 24 months from the day on which Sie benötigen außerdem LieferumfangCopyright, Markenrechte, GNU/GPL-Lizenz, Haftung Snom technology AktiengesellschaftNormkonformität Andere Gesundheitsrisiken SicherheitshinweiseNetzstecker, wiederaufladbarer Akku Implantierte medizinische GeräteExplosionsgefährdete Orte Selv Safety Extra Low Voltage-EinhaltungMedizinische Geräte Implantierte medizinische GeräteEntsorgung von Batterien/Akkus Laden und Entladen von Akkus, AufbewahrungReinigung Entsorgung Entsorgung des Gerätes/der GerätekomponentenSeitenansicht InstallationDisplay-Layout, Ruhedisplay AlfanumerischeRegistrierung des Mobilteils Telefonbuch TelefonmenüsStoppuhr, Taschenrechner, Notizen, Kalender, RSS-Leser Konfigurierung eines VoIP-KontosDatum NetzAktivieren Zeit Weckertöne Anruf weiterleiten durchstellen Telefonieren mit Ihrem m9 Anrufe tätigen und annehmenAnrufumleitung Halten und WiederaufnehmenVous devez également disposer des Contenu de lemballageDétenteurs respectifs Copyright, Marques Déposées, GPL, Non ResponsabilitéeInstructions sécurité Alimentations/adaptateurs, batterie rechargeableJeunes enfants Si vous portez un stimulateur cardiaqueAutres risques pour la santé Si vous portez une aide auditiveChargement et déchargement, stockage de la batterie La batterie à une température comprise entre +10C et +30C Mise au rébut des batteriesNettoyage Mise au Rébut Mise au Rébut du ProduitVue den bas Vue de cotéSaisissez le PIN dusine par défaut Vue de faceAppuyez sur La base, le texte PIN est affiché à lécranDate Les menus du téléphoneRenvoi dappel Utilizer votre m9Passer et accepter des appels Recomposer un numéroRedémarrage de la station de base Appuyez sur + sur la touche du réglage du volumeTrouver ladresse IP de la station de base Ouvrir linterface Web de la station de baseSono necessari Contenuto della confezioneCombo Kit Handset Kit Stazione di baseSebbene sia Stata Prestata la Dati sui qualiConformità norma Se siete portatori di un pacemaker impiantato Precauzioni di sicurezzaAlimentatori/adattatori, batteria ricaricabile Posizione di base, caricatore, fili, caviAmbienti potenzialmente esplosivi Dispositivi mediciDispositivi medici impiantati Conforme al circuito Selv bassissima tensione di SicurezzaSmaltimento Smaltimento del telefono Ricaricare, scaricare e conservareSmaltimento della batteria PuliziaVista laterale InstallazioneConfigurazione di un account VoIP Vista frontaleRegistrazione telefono Data/Ora Inoltra chiamata Funzionamento telefonoTelefonare a qcn e rispondere a una chiamata Ricomponi numeroRiavviare estazione base Varie Cerca indirizzo MAC = numero di serie della baseCerca indirizzo IP della base Accedere all’interfaccia web della baseEn la caja Estación base Adaptador de alimentación de laTambién necesita Copyright, Marcas comerciales, GPL, Renuncia Legal Si tiene un marcapasos implantado Precauciones de seguridadAlimentaciones/adaptadores, batería recargable Colocación de la base, cargador, cables, conexionesEquipos electrónicos delicados Dispositivos médicosDispositivos médicos implantados Entornos potencialmente explosivosEliminación Eliminación del teléfono Carga y descarga, almacenajeEliminación de las baterías LimpiezaVista lateral InstalaciónVista delantera Configuración de una cuenta VoIPPotencia de FechaRed HoraPoner en espera y continuar Uso del teléfonoRemarcación Reenvio de llamadasReiniciar la estación base MisceláneaBuscar dirección IP de la estación base Abra la interfaz web de la estación basePreamble Copyright Notice and Warranty Disclaimer112 113 114 115 To address new Problems or How to Apply These Terms to Your New ProgramsSnom en France Snom in ItaliaSnom in the USA Snom technology AG