STE 58761
1.5.1Assigning the Volume Name
When a disk is initialized, you can assign a name to that disk. This is the volume name.
In order to simplify disk handling, you should keep your files sorted by task and put related files on the same disk. Also, be sure to give the disk a descriptive, easy to understand name.
The volume name can be checked by looking at the directory display.
Volume names consist of a volume name proper, a period, and a volume name extension. An example is shown below:
FIL is the volume name extension.
It may have up to three characters.
A period is used to separate the volume name and the volume name extension.
WORK1 is the volume name. It may have up to six characters.
The following characters may be used in the volume name and its extension:
Alphabetic characters: | A to Z |
Numerals: | 0 to 9 |
The volume name extension may be omitted. In such a case, the period becomes unnecessary.