Sparky Group BAR 12E manual IV Additional safety rules for angle drills / drivers, Service

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ƒ 'R QRW IRUFH WKH SRZHU WRRO 8VH WKH FRUUHFW power tool for your application. The correct SRZHUWRROZLOOGRWKHMREEHWWHUDQGVDIHUDWWKH rate for which it was designed.

ƒ 'RQRWXVHWKHSRZHUWRROLIWKHVZLWFKGRHVQRW turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.

ƒ 5HPRYH WKH EDWWHU\ SDFN IURP WKH SRZHU VRXUFHEHIRUHPDNLQJDQ\DGMXVWPHQWVFKDQJ- ing accessories, or storing power tools. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.

ƒ 6WRUHLGOHSRZHUWRROVRXWRIWKHUHDFKRIFKLO- dren and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool. Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.

ƒ 0DLQWDLQSRZHUWRROV&KHFNIRUPLVDOLJQPHQW or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tools operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools.

ƒ .HHS FXWWLQJ WRROV VKDUS DQG FOHDQ 3URSHUO\ maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control.

ƒ 8VH WKH SRZHU WRRO DFFHVVRULHV DQG WRRO ELWV etc., in accordance with these instructions and in the manner intended for the particular type of power tool, taking into account the working FRQGLWLRQVDQGWKHZRUNWREHSHUIRUPHG8VH of the power tool for operations, different from WKRVH LQWHQGHG FRXOG UHVXOW LQ D KD]DUGRXV situation.


ƒ +DYH \RXU SRZHU WRRO VHUYLFHG E\ D TXDOLILHG repair person using only identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.

IV - Additional safety rules for angle drills / drivers



ing condition, because it does not have to be plugged into an electrical outlet. Always set the WULJJHUVZLWFKWRWKHORFNHG2))SRVLWLRQZKHQ installing or removing the battery pack.

V - Additional instructions for work with the charger

ƒ %HIRUHXVLQJWKHFKDUJHUUHDGDOOWKHLQVWUXF- tions and cautionary markings on the charger and battery pack as well as the instructions on using the battery pack.

ƒ 2QO\ FKDUJH \RXU EDWWHULHV LQGRRUV DV WKH charger is designed for indoor use only.

CAUTION: If the battery pack is cracked or damaged in any other way, do not insert it in the charger. There is a danger of electric shock.

WARNING: Do not allow any liquid to come into contact with the charger. There is a danger of electric shock.

ƒ7KHFKDUJHULVQRWLQWHQGHGIRUDQ\XVHRWKHU than charging the exact type of SPARKY re- chargeable battery pack as supplied with the charger. Any other use may result in the risk of fire or electric shock.

ƒ7KHFKDUJHUDQGEDWWHU\SDFNVVXSSOLHGZLWKLW are specifically designed to work together. Do not attempt to charge the battery pack with any other charger than the one supplied.

ƒ'RQRWSODFHDQ\REMHFWRQWRSRIWKHFKDUJHU as it could cause overheating. Do not place the charger near any heat source.


ƒ0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHFKDUJHUFDEOHLVSRVLWLRQHG where it will not be stepped on, tripped over or


lutely necessary. The use of an improper exten- sion cord could cause the risk of fire or electric shock.

ƒ'RQRWXVHWKHFKDUJHULILWKDVEHHQVXEMHFWHG to a heavy knock, dropped or otherwise dam- aged in any way. Do not operate charger with damaged cord or plug - have them replaced















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Contents 12V $1721 .%/$ $1721.%/$ Contents IntroductionDescription of Symbols Additional protection Safety standardsIII Safety instructions II TechnicalIV Additional safety rules for angle drills / drivers ServiceWash quickly with soap and water If battery liquid gets into your eyes, flush themHeat sources ,IWKHEDWWHU\SDFNGRHVQRWFKDUJHSURSHUO\Normal Charging Fitting or Removing Battery PackBattery Charging  &KDUJH EDWWHU\ SDFNV RQO\ LQ 63$5. chargersVII Know your product Switch OperationInstalling and Removing Bits Viii OperationTorque Adjustment IX MaintenanceForward / Reverse Switch CleaningWarranty Inhalt EinführungBedeutung DER Symbole RSSHOLVROLHUXQJXPXVlWOLFKHQ Übereinstimmung mit denPersönlicher Schutz ArbeitsplatzElektrische Sicherheit Batterie Ni-CdScharf. Die richtig gewarteten Schneidewerk  LH5HSDUDWXUVROOYRQTXDOLILLHUWHQDFKOHXWHQTerie aufladen Chen Sie es nicht ins Wasser oder in anderen OVVLJNHLWHQEinlegen UND Entfernen DER Batterie Laden DER BatterienPages-BAR12E.indd ZU UND Aufdrehen VON Schrauben Betätigen DES HauptschaltersEinsetzen UND Entnehmen Eines Werkzeugs Schnellspannfutter Ring für MomentregelungReinigen IX WartungDrehmomentregelung Hinweise für die Reinigung des LadegerätesGarantie BemerkungenLQGHUXQWHUVFKLHGOLFKVHLQ Assemblage Table des matièresDéballage Respect DE L’ENVIRONNEMENTLégende Double isolation pour uneMeilleure sécurité Sécurité européennes Sécurité Personnelle Lieu DE TravailSécurité Électrique Batterie NiCdService APRÈS-VENTE Utilisation ET Entretien DES Outils ÉlectroportatifsDe l’eau ou dans tout autre liquide Pour diminuer le risque d’électrocution, débranAucune batterie ne s’y trouve ou avant de le net Toyer   5LQFHUDERQGDPPHQWDXVDYRQHWjO¶HDXMonter ET Démonter LA Batterie SE Servir DU ChargeurRecharger DES Batteries SecteurInterrupteur Visser / Dévisser DES VIS Activer L’INTERRUPTEURMettre EN Place ET Retirer LE Foret OU L’EMBOUT Inverseur DU Sens DE RotationNettoyage Accessoires À Utiliser Avec CET Outil ÉlectroportatifIX Entretien Instructions pour le nettoyage du chargeurǾȜȒȓȞȔȎțȖȓ ǰȐȓȒȓțȖȓɈɉɂɋȺɇɂȿɋɂɆȼɈɅɈȼ ƊɅȿɄɌɊɂɑȿɋɄȺəȻȿɁɈɉȺɋɇɈɋɌɖ ȀȓȣțȖȥȓȟȘȖȓȒȎțțȩȓɊȺȻɈɑȿȿɆȿɋɌɈ ɅɂɑɇȺəȻȿɁɈɉȺɋɇɈɋɌɖƊɄɋɉɅɍȺɌȺɐɂəɂɍɏɈȾɁȺ ƊɅȿɄɌɊɈɂɇɋɌɊɍɆȿɇɌȺɆɂ ɊȿɊȼɂɁɇɈȿɈȻɋɅɍɀɂȼȺɇɂȿ  ȕȎȞȭȒțȜȑȜȡȟȠȞȜȗȟȠȐȎ ɇɟɡɚɦɨɪɚɠɢɜɚɣɬɟɢɧɟɩɨɝɪɭɠɚɣɬɟɡɚɪɹɞ  ȏȎȠȎȞȓȖ ɧɨɟ ɭɫɬɪɨɣɫɬɜɨ ɜ ɜɨɞɭ ɢɥɢ ɞɪɭɝɭɸ ɠɢɞ- ɤɨɫɬɶɄȺɄȼɕɇɂɆȺɌɖɂȼɋɌȺȼɅəɌɖ ȻȺɌȺɊȿɂ ɌɄȺɁȺɇɂəɉɈɉɈȾɁȺɊəȾɄȿȻȺɌȺɊȿɂɄȺɄɁȺɊəɀȺɌɖȻȺɌȺɊȿɘ ȻɕɄɅɘɑȺɌȿɅɖ  ȞȜȖțȟȠȞȡȚȓțȠȜȚȁȘȎȕȎțȖȭȝȜȞȎȏȜȠȓ ȻɋɌȺȼɅȿɇɂȿɂɋɇəɌɂȿɋȼȿɊɅȺɂ ɆȺɄɈɇȿɑɇɂɄȺɊɕɑȺȽȾɅəɋɆȿɇɕɇȺɉɊȺȼɅȿɇɂə ȻɊȺɓȿɇɂə ǼȏȟșȡȔȖȐȎțȖȓɁȺɄɊɍɑɂȼȺɇɂȿɂɈɌɄɊɍɑɂȼȺɇɂȿ ȻɂɇɌɈȼ ɊȿȽɍɅɂɊɈȼɄȺɄɊɍɌəɓȿȽɈɆɈɆȿɇɌȺDZȎȞȎțȠȖȭ ǼȞȖȚȓȥȎțȖȭɊȺɁɈɉȺɄɈȼȺɇȿ ǾȨȒȨȞȔȎțȖȓǰȨȐȓȒȓțȖȓ ɊȽɅɈȻəȼȺɇȿɈɉɂɋȺɇɂȿɇȺɋɂɆȼɈɅɂɌȿ ⱾɅȿɄɌɊɂɑȿɋɄȺȻȿɁɈɉȺɋɇɈɋɌ ȀȓȣțȖȥȓȟȘȖȒȎțțȖɊȺȻɈɌɇɈɆəɋɌɈ ɅɂɑɇȺȻȿɁɈɉȺɋɇɈɋɌ  ȨȑșȜȐȖȏȜȞȚȎȦȖțȖ   ȐȖțȠȜȐȓȞȠȖ ⱾɄɋɉɅɈȺɌȺɐɂəɂȽɊɂɀɂɁȺ ⱾɅȿɄɌɊɈɂɇɋɌɊɍɆȿɇɌɂɌȿɊȿɊȼɂɁɇɈɈȻɋɅɍɀȼȺɇȿ DzȜȝȨșțȖȠȓșțȖ   ȡȟȠȞȜȗȟȠȐȜ  ȟȏȎȠȓȞȖȭȠȎ ɈɈɋɌȺȼəɇȿɂɂɁȼȺɀȾȺɇȿ ɆȺȻȺɌȿɊɂəɌȺɁȺɊȿɀȾȺɇȿɇȺȻȺɌȿɊɂɂ ȻȺɀɇȺɂɇɎɈɊɆȺɐɂəɁȺɉɊȿɁȺɊȿɀ- ȾȺɇȿɌɈɇȺȽɈɊȿɓɂȻȺɌȿɊɂɂ   ȠȞȜȖțȟȠȞȡȚȓțȠȎȁȘȎȕȎțȖȭȕȎȞȎȏȜȠȎ ɁȺȾȿɃɋɌȼȺɇȿɇȺɉɊȿɄɔɋȼȺɑȺɅɈɋɌɁȺɋɆəɇȺɉɈɋɈɄȺɌȺ ɆȺȼɔɊɌȿɇȿ ǽȜȒȒȞȨȔȘȎɁȺȼɂȼȺɇȿɂɈɌȼɂȼȺɇȿɇȺȼɂɇɌɈȼȿ ɊȿȽɍɅɂɊȺɇȿɇȺȼɔɊɌəɓɂəɆɈɆȿɇɌDZȎȞȎțȤȖȭ ǴȎȏȓșȓȔȘȖ5 5 5 5