X - Warranty
The guarantee period for SPARKY power tools is determined in the guarantee card.
)DXOWVGXHWRQRUPDOZHDURYHUORDGLQJRULPSURS- er handling will be excluded from the guarantee.
)DXOWVGXHWRGHIHFWLYHPDWHULDOVLPSOHPHQWHGDV well as defects in workmanship will be corrected free of charge through replacement or repair.
The complaints for defective SPARKY power WRROV ZLOO EH UHFRJQL]HG LI WKH PDFKLQH LV VHQW back to the dealer or is presented to the author- ised warranty service centre undismantled, in its initial condition.
Carefully read the entire Instruction Manual before using this product.
With continuing product development changes may have occurred which render the product received slightly different to that shown in this in- struction manual. The manufacturer reserves the
Instruction Manual
17.3.2006 . 09:11:21