**Initial specific gravity readings vary, depending on battery type and manufacturer. Contact the seller or manufacturer of the battery for this specification.
11.3If uncertain about type of battery you will be charging, or the correct procedure for checking the battery’s
11.4The temperature of the battery, and the equipment the battery is used with, has a dramatic effect on battery efficiency and system power requirements. For example, at 0 oF
12.1Determine battery’s
12.2From the Charging Time Chart (located on the Table of Contents page and also on the Quick Reference Guide), pick the ROW which has the Reserve Capacity rating and measured battery voltage that is closest to the battery being charged. Follow across the row until you are under the desired charging rate. This value indicates the approximate time required to recharge the battery.
NOTE: As a manual charger, the NAPA
12.3An alternative method for calculating the time required to recharge a battery in good condition is to follow this formula:
(reserve capacity in minutes) + 15.5 = amp hour capacity 2
(amp hour capacity) x (percent of charge needed) = time in hours charger amp rate setting
(time in hours) x (recharge factor of 1.25) = recharge time
Example: Suppose a battery has an RC of 120 minutes and is discharged down to 25%.
We need to put in 75% more charge and we want to use our charger’s 40 AMP charge setting:
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