Use only one nail into each 4’ spline to hold it in place. Do not nail off the spline until the next panel is in place. Refer back to the connections section for proper mastic placement.
Before placing the panels on the floor support beams, tack a
Use temporary bracing to help hold these beams in place. When setting the panels, make sure the beam stays straight by checking your string line.
Start by placing your first panel on a corner. Use Premier Panel Screws as shown on the shop drawings or described by the engineer of record, to attach the first panel to the supporting beams. Do not tighten the screws on the edges of the panels until your rim board is in place. Also, leave the last two screws on the leading edge loose until you have set your next panel. Once the next panel is in place, screw the previous one tight and repeat the process. Install blocking for point loads per engineered plans as shown above to the right.