Cutting text 58

Cycling through views 52, 53, 54, 55


Data entry. See Entering data Date Book

adding Address Book data to records 69–70

alarm 80

archive files (.dba) 36 changing event time 80 changing event to untimed 79 conduit for synchronizing 146 conflicting events 84 continuous events 81–82 creating records 57, 76–80 Day view 82

deleting records 59 display options 87

end time for Day view 88 fonts 75

menus 86, 201 Month view 85 notes for records 74 opening 52 overview 52 private records 74 purging records 60 repeating events 59, 81–82 scheduling events 76–80 selecting dates 78

start time for Day view 88 Sunday or Monday to start week 169

switching views 82 untimed events 76, 79 Week view 83, 169, 225


Expense item 105 setting current 20, 224 showing in Mail list 132 To Do List record due 96

Day (Date Book view) 76, 87 DBA (Date Book archive file) 36 Decimal point 170


categories 63

currency in Expense 113 settings. See Preferences


data, saving in archive files 59 e-mail, recovering 130

Deleting applications 42, 45 Desktop software 45 e-mail 130 Graffiti characters 27 passwords 48 records 59

service templates 194 text 58

See also Purging records Delivering e-mail 124, 127 Desktop E-Mail application

applications supported 116 managing 115–139 support of Mail features 124

Desktop software 20–23 configuring mail 116–118 for entering data 18 linking to external files 161 removing 45

saving deleted data to an archive file 59

system requirements 4 upgrading 4

Digitizer 10, 168, 223

DNS (Domain Naming System) 188 Double-booked events 84

Draft e-mail 128 Dragging

memos into other applications 55

stylus to activate features 167 using the stylus 10

Driver for infrared communication on Windows 95 156


Editing records 57–59 unsent e-mail 127


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3Com TRGpro manual Index