TheSMARTBridgit client desktop 10
TheSMARTBridgit client toolbar 10
TheSMARTBridgit client desktop borders 11
StartingSMARTBridgit software 12
Creatinga meeting 13
TheSMARTBridgit client lobby screen 15
Creatinga meeting with a third-partyv oice bridge 15
Sendinginvitations to participants 17
Joiningmeetings 18
Joininga meeting from SMARTBridgitc lient software 18
Searchingfor a meeting 19
Joininga meeting from an e-mailinvitation 19
Joininga meeting with a knock 20
Using voice conferencing 21
Ownersand presenters 22
Participants 23
Joininga meeting using a third-partyvoice bridge 23
Using meetingtools 24
Sharingyour desktop 24
Sharinga regionof y ourdesktop 26
Using drawingtools while sharing 26
Takingover sharing 27
Viewingthe participant list 28
Using webcams 29
Chattingw ith otherparticipants 31
Raisingy ourhand 33
Enablingremote control 34
Remotely controllingthe presenter's desktop 35
Changingthe sharedarea 35
Settingmeeting options 36
Changingmeetings ettings 36
Changingmonitors election 38
Changingaudios ettings 38
Chapter 2