If you're using a Windows operatingsystem, t heSMAR T Scheduleroption integratesthe
SMARTBridgitserver with Microsoft ExchangeServer andMicrosoft Outlook Clients. This enables
yout o schedulesingle or recurringmeetings that use SMARTBridgit software.
If you're using Mac operatingsystem softw are,once you create a SMART Scheduler meeting,t he
meetingparticipants receive aninvit ationcontaining a link to the SMART Bridgit meeting and its
password.If you're using a calendarapplicationon your Mac that's compatiblew ith Microsoft
Outlook,y oucan accept t hesemeeting invitations.
Beforeyou install the SMART SchedulerOutlook add-in,c onsiderthe following:
lTheadd-in won't function correctly if the SMART Sc hedulerserver andthe Microsoft Ex change
Serveraren't correctly configured.Contact your system administratorif you're unsureabout the
status of these two servers.
lYoumust have local administrativerights on the computer you want to install the add-inon.
Minimum requirementsl1.2GHz processor
l1GB of RAM
lMicrosoft Outlook2003 SP3, 2007 SP2 or 2010.
lA network connectionthat provides access to y ourSMARTBridgit server andy ourMicrosoft
ExchangeServer 2003,2007 or 2010
Installingthe SMARTSchedulerOutlook add-in
TheSMART Scheduler Outlookadd-in enablesyou to automaticallycreate a SMARTBridgitmeeting
that accompaniesa Microsoft Outlook meeting.
Youcan install t headd-in on any computerthat can communicate with your SMARTBridgit server,
butt headd-in must be installed andconfigured by an administrator.Once the add-inis installed, any
usercan change individualprofile settings. These changes affect only the profile of the user that set
them. Theadministrator settings remainthe same.
Close Outlookbefore you downloadthe .msi file and install the add-in.
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