collaborativelearningsoftw areor SMARTMeetingPro™software file or save them in an application,
such as Microsoft® Word or Excel®
What's new
SMARTBridgit4.5 softw areintroduces several new features.
Youcan knock at a SMARTBridgit meetingdoor to get access to the meeting without receiving an
invitationt o themeeting. When you knock, other participants in the SMART Bridgit meetingc anallow
ordeny you access t o the meeting.For more information,see Joining a meetingw ith a knock on page
Sharinga region of your desktop
Youcan share a small regionof your shareddisplay with meeting participants. For moreinformation,
seeSharing a regionof your desktop on page 26.
Raisingyour hand
TheRaise H andfeature enablesmeeting participants to politely interruptwhen they want to
contributeto the meeting. This feature providesboth a visual and an audiblenotification to capture the
attentionof other participants. For moreinformation, see Raising your handon page 33.
Resizingvideo windows
Youcan resize the video dialog boxof otherparticipants' webcam views. For moreinformation on
webcamv iews andresizing the video window, see Using webcams on page29.
Incrementalannotationwith drawing tools
SMARTBridgitsoftw areuses incremental annotationso meeting participants view new information
seamlessly. When you drawnew information on your sharedscreen, SMART Bridgit software sends
thenew input in small continuous chunks as it is being addedand the meetingparticipants see it
incrementally.For more informationon drawingt ools, see Using drawingtools while sharing on page
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