Joininga SMART Schedulermeeting from an Outlook invitation
Onceyou've c reateda meeting, the meetingparticipants receive an invitation containinga link to t he
SMARTBridgitmeeting and its password.
gTo join a SMARTBridgit meeting from Outlook
1. Openthe meeting in your calendar.
2. Click t helink to join the SMARTBridgitmeeting up to 15 minutes beforethe scheduled start
time. Recordt hepassw ordbelow the link.
Yourinternet browserdownloads the SMARTBridgit client software. Dependingon your
browser,SMARTBridgit runs automatically ory ouhave to double-click the file to run it
After SMARTBridgitruns, the Join meeting dialog box appears.
3. Type your nameand the password you receivedwith t hemeeting invitation in the boxes
4. Click OK.
TheSMARTBridgit Software dialogboxappears,andyou're connected to the meeting.
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