Using the SMARTBridgittroubleshootingtool 51
Screencapture technology 52
Sharingcolor quality 54
Audio 54
Connection 55
Ink 55
Monitoringa meeting's performance- presenter 56
Improvingperformance 56
Monitoringa meeting's performance– participant 57
Improvingperformance 57
This section includest roubleshooting topics andinformation on how to get technical support.I t also
shows how you can use the SMARTBridgitsoft waretroubleshootingtool to optimize your syst em
configurationandresolve problems.
Using the SMARTBridgit troubleshooting tool
SMARTBridgitsoftw arehas a troubleshootingtool that you can use to determine thec auseof issues
youc ouldhave.
gTo open the troubleshooting tool
1. OpenSMAR TBridgitclient softw areand create a test meeting.
TheSMARTBridgit lobby screen appears.
2. Select Menu > About SMART Bridgit.
TheAbout SMART Bridgit Software dialog box appears.
3. Select Technical Support> Troubleshooting.
TheTroubleshootingdialog box appears.
Appendix A