Chapter1: Getting started 3
Overview 3
What's new 4
GlobalServer Network (GSN) option 5
DownloadingSMART Bridgit client software 5
Startingand exiting SMARTBridgit client software 6
TheAudio Setup Wizard 6
SecureSocket Layer (SSL) standard 7
Chapter2: Using SMARTB ridgit 9
TheSMARTBridgit client desktop 10
StartingSMARTBridgit software 12
Creatinga meeting 13
Joiningmeetings 18
Using voice conferencing 21
Using meetingtools 24
Settingmeeting options 36
Writingon the shared desktop 41
TheSMART SchedulerOutlook add-in 45
Minimumrequirements 45
Appendix A: Troubleshooting 51
Using the SMARTBridgittroubleshootingtool 51
Monitoringa meeting's performance- presenter 56
Monitoringa meeting's performance– participant 57
Index 59