This buttonisn't displayed whent hemeeting is configured to use a third-partyvoice bridge. See
Joininga meeting using a third-partyvoice bridge on the next page.
gTo speaki n a meeting
1. Click t heOpen My Mic button on the audiocontrols toolbar. If the button isn't vis ible, click the
Show/Hide Audio Controls button .
Theother participants can now heareverything you say into the microphone.
2. To adjust the volumeof the speakers, headphones ormic rophone, use the sliders in the audio
3. When you finish speaking, click Close My Mic.
This makes a microphoneavailableto another participant.
Owners andpresentersOwnersand presentersof meetings can close a participant's microphoneto allow another participant
to speak.
gTo close anotherparticipant's microphone
1. Click the Show/Hide Participant List button .
2. Click the greenmicrophoneic on next to the participant's name.
If you've selected the Requireothers to request microphoneoption, the participant's Open My Mic
buttonchanges to a Request A Mic button. When a participantclic ks Request a Mic, a message
appearson yours hareddesktop notifying you of the participant's requestand the appearanceof the
Show/Hide Participant List button changes.
gTo allow someone tospeak
1. Click the Show/Hide Participant List button on your SMART Bridgit s oftwaret oolbar.
Theparticipants list appears.
2. Toallow someone to speak, click t heC lick togrant the requestto speak icon next to
theparticipant's name.
CH A P T E R 2