Youcan share your webcam view with other participants in a meeting.C onsiderthe following points
beforesharingy ourwebcam view during a SMARTBridgit meeting:
lSeeSy stem requirements for compatibility information.
lThis featureis available only when the SMARTBridgit serveradministrator enablesit on the
lIf you're the owneror presenterof the meeting,y ouc andisable remote webcams. You can still
shareyour webcam view but participants can't share theirs.
lIf you're a meetingparticipant and the presenterof the meeting disablesremote webcams, you
can't sharey ourwebcam view. However, you can still see the presenter's sharedwebcam
lIf you don't have a webcam, you can see the otherparticipants' webcam views.
lUp to four participantscan share their webcam views at the same time.
lBeforeyou share your webcam, make certainthat no other programis using it.
lTheresolution when sharingis ty pically 176× 144 pixels andt heframe rate is 5 frames per
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