Overview 3
What's new 4
Knocking 4
Sharinga regionof y ourdesktop 4
Raisingy ourhand 4
Resizing videow indows 4
Incrementalannotationwit h drawingtools 4
GlobalServer Network (GSN) option 5
DownloadingSMART Bridgit client software 5
Startingand exiting SMARTBridgit client software 6
TheAudio Setup Wizard 6
SecureSocket Layer (SSL) standard 7
Certificates 7
SMARTBridgit®conferencing software is a client/server applicationthat lets you shareprograms
andinformation with anyone,anywhere in the world.
Youcan use SMARTBridgit software to speak to participants using Voice over InternetProtocol
(VoIP),s hareyour desktop ands ende-mail invitations for others to join. Once the meetinghas
started,participants can write notes or highlight informationon the desktop. You can shareyour
webcamand view other participants' webcams as well. You can use a self-created or randomly-
generatedpasswordthat participants must use to join the meeting.
Whenyou participate in or presenta meeting, you use SMARTBridgit client software to connect to a
SMARTBridgitserver. You can downloadSMAR TBridgitclient softw areon to your desktop and start
theapplication with a double-click.
All of the features of SMART Bridgit software areavailable on a SMARTBoard®interactive
whiteboardor SMARTPodium™interactive pen display. If you present a meetingusing an interactive
whiteboardor interactivepen display, you can capture your notes in a SMARTNotebook™
Chapter 1