gTo download the. msi file
1. Go to http://<yourserver.com>/SMARTSchedulerOutlookAddinSetup.msi, where
<yourserver.com>i s the addressf oryour SMARTBridgit server.
2. Press ENTER.
3. Click Run to install t hef ile.
TheSMART SchedulerOutlook Add-in - InstallShieldW izard welcome pageappears.
gTo install the SMART Scheduler Outlookadd-in
1. Press Nexti n thew elcomes creen.
TheSoftw areLicense Agreement pageappears.
2. Accept the agreementand click N ext.
If you want to keep a hardc opy of the agreementfor your records,clic k Print.
TheDesti nationFolder page appears.
3. Click Next to install to the default folder, or click Change to specify anotherfolder.
TheSMART SchedulerOutlook Add-in Preferencespage appears.
4. Type the nameof t heD efaultBridgit Server to use when setting upSMAR T Bridgit meetings.
5. Type the SMART Schedulere-mail address.
TheMicrosoft Ex changeServer administratorcreates this address when he ors hec reates
themailbox on the Microsoft Exchange Server.
6. If you want the meetings to be password protectedby default, leave Password protect
meetingsby default selected.
7. If you want to use f ormattingin your messages, select Preserve Rich Text formatting.
Otherwise,c learthe check box t o useplain text.
Rich text formatting can cause unexpectedbehaviorw henyou use the SMART Scheduler
OutlookAdd-in with otherthird-party Outlookadd-ins andextensions.
8. Click Next.
TheReady to Inst all the Programpage appears.
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