Whenyou create a meeting, you can speak with other participants,s hareyour desktop or webcam, or
invite participantsto t hemeeting. You can also wait for others to join the meeting andshare a
You'rethe meeting's owner when you createa meeting. Owners can control a numberof meeting
options,s uchas microphones,webcams and the ability to write on the shared desktop.
Theowner isn't necessarily the participant who shares theirdesktop. The person who sharest heir
desktopis the presenter,and, like the owner, the presentercan control a numberof meeting options
fort heother participants. However, the changesa presenter makes to the meeting optionsdon't
applyto t heowner.
Theperson who createdthe meeting doesn't have to be the oneto s harea desktop.
gTo createa meeting
1. Start SMARTBridgits oftware,if it isn't already started. SeeStarting SMARTBridgit software
onthe previous page.
Thesoftw arest arts andconnects to t helast SMARTBridgit servery ouused.
2. Click the server icon inthe bottom-left cornerof the SMARTBridgit Software dialogbox, if
youw ant to connect to a differents erver.
TheServer Information dialogbox appears.
3. Type the servername in the Which server do you want to connect to? box, or select a server
fromthe drop-downlis t.
If you've used a numberof SMARTBridgit servers, they appearin the Which s erverdo you
want to connect to? drop-downlist. This makes it easy to c onnectto s erversyou've used
beforewithout typing the server nameagain.
4. Click Connect.
Youreturn to the SMARTBridgit Software dialogbox.
5. Type a namein t heYour name box, if you requirea new name for this SMARTBridgit meeting.
This nameappears in the participantlist.
CH A P T E R 2