gTo createa meeting with a third-partyvoice bridge
1. Start SMARTBridgits oftware,if it isn't already started. SeeStarting SMARTBridgit software
onpage 12.
Thesoftw arest arts andconnects to t helast SMARTBridgit servery ouused.
2. If you want to connect to a different server, click the server icon inthe bottom-left cornerof
the SMARTBridgitSoftware dialog box.
TheServer Information dialogbox appears.
3. Type the servername in the Which server do you want to connect to? box, or select a server
fromthe drop-downlis t.
If you've used a numberof SMARTBridgit servers, they appearin the Which s erverdo you
want to connect to? drop-downlist. This makes it easy to c onnectto s erversyou've used
beforewithout typing the server nameagain.
4. Click Connect.
Youreturn to the SMARTBridgit Software dialogbox.
5. Type a namein t heYour name box, if you requirea new name for this SMARTBridgit meeting.
This nameappears in the participantlist.
6. Click t heC reateNew Meeting tab.
7. Type a namef orthe meeting in the Meeting name box.
8. Optionally, type andc onfirma password for the meeting in the Password andConfirm
password boxes.
If you don’t assign a password,anyone who can view the list of meetings can join your
9. Select Share voice bridge details with other userst o display the third-partyaudio
informationto your meetingparticipants.
10. Type the telephonenumberand meetingcode in the appropriateboxes.
This informationwill be included in the e-mailinvitations t o themeeting, as well as on the lobby
screenand participant list.
11. Click Create New Meeting.
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