gTo join a meeting from an e-mail invitation
1. Click t helink in the e-mailinvit ation,and then run the software.
TheJoin Meeting dialog box appears.
2. Type your nameand the meetingpassw ord(if required),and then click OK.
Thelobby screen appears.
If the meetingis n't password protected,the Passw ordbox doesn't appearin t heJoin
Meetingdialog box. If the meetingis password protected,the e-mail invitation might include
thepassw ord.If it doesn't, get the password from the meetingc reatoror follow the steps in
Joininga meeting with a knock.
Joininga meeting with a knockYoucan join a meeting without receiving anemail invitation by searching for the meetingyou want to
attend,knocking for meeting access, and then obtainingaccess f romother meeting participants.
gTo join a meeting without an e-mail invitation
1. DownloadS MARTBridgitclient s oftware, andthen save it on your computer. See
DownloadingSMART Bridgit client software on page5.
2. Browseto and double-click the SMARTBridgit icon .
Thesoftw arest arts andconnects to t helast server you used.
3. If you haven't used SMARTBridgit software beforeor if you want t o connectt o a different
server,then click the server icon inthe bottom-left cornerof the SMARTBridgit Software
TheServer Information dialogbox appears.
4. Type the servername in the Which server do you want to connect to? box, or select a server
fromthe drop-downlis t.
5. Click Connect.
6. Select the meeting you want to join from theMeeting name drop-downlist.
7. Click Knock to Join.
TheKnock dialog box opens.
8. Type a namein t heYour name box and a message in theMess agebox.
CH A P T E R 2