9. Click Knock.
A messageappears stating that you’re waitingf ora response from the meetingparticipants.
Participantsin t hemeeting receive a message askingt hemt o allow ordeny you access t o the
Theknock request times out after 30 seconds and a No response dialogbox opens with a
messagestating that there was no response to yourk nock.
10. Click OK to knock again, or try to contact a meeting participantf orthe meeting password.
11. If you're allowed access to the meeting, your screenautomatically updates to view the shared
12. If you're deniedaccess to the meeting, an Unableto join dialogbox opens with a message
stating that you've beendenied access to the meeting.
13. Click OK to knock again, or try to contact a meeting participantf orthe meeting password.
Using voice conferencingParticipantsc anuse SMAR TBridgitsoftware's VoIP featuret o speak to eachother duringa meeting
if the SMART Bridgit server administratorenables it. Before participantsc ans peakin a meeting, they
must runthe Audio Setup Wizard to s et the volumelevels for their microphonesand headphonesor
speakers.See The Audio Setup Wizard on page6.
Up to four participantscan speak at once.
By default,participants must click Open My Mic beforethey c ans peakin a meeting. However, if t he
ownerof a meeting selects Automatically open microphoneswhen creating a meeting,
microphonesautomatically openfor the first f ourparticipants who join the meeting.S eeC reatinga
meetingon page 13.
Youcan hide the audio controlsand then show them againlater.
gTo hide or show the audiocontrols
Click the Show/Hide Audio C ontrolsbutton onthe toolbar to hide ors how theaudio controls.
CH A P T E R 2