Youcan use the chat dialog boxin the lobby screenor the participant list to broadcast messages to
someor all participants in a meeting.
Theowner or presentermust enable the chat optionbefore you can use it. See Changingmeeting
settings onpage 36.
gTo send a messageto all meeting participants
1. Openthe participant list or lobby screen.
2. Click t heA ll Users tab and type the text you want to broadcast.
3. Click Send.
If you needto c ontributeto the meeting, you can use the Raise Hand featureto politely interrupt the
meetingwith both a visual and an audiblenotification to capture the attention of otherparticipants.
Formore information,s eeR aisingy ourhand on page33.
gTo chat withi ndividual participants
1. Openthe participant list or lobby screen.
2. Click the chat icon next to the participant you want to add to yourprivate conversation.
3. Select Create a New Conversationwith Participant.
A tab that contains the participant'sname appearsin t hec hat window. Any text you send or
receiveunder this tab is visible only to t hosein y ourprivate conversation.
gTo add more participantsto a private conversation
1. In the participantl ist or lobby screen,c lick the tab of the conversation you want to adda
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