gTo shareyour desktop
1. Create orjoin a meeting. See Starting SMARTBridgit software on page12 or Joining meetings
onpage 18.
2. Click t heShare My Desktop buttonin the lobby screen.
APreparingto shareyour desktop message appearsbriefly, andt henthe SMART Bridgit
toolbarand a blueborder appearon yoursc reen.Anyone in the meeting cans eey ourdesktop.
oIf you join a meetingin which s omeoneelse is already sharinga desktop, you see the
desktopright away insteadof seeing the lobbyscreen. If you want to shareyour
desktop,y ouc anask to take over sharing.
oWhenyou create a private text messaging conversationwi th a participant,the
conversationisn't v isible to otherparticipants.
gTo sharewhen using multiple displays
1. Create orjoin a meeting.
2. Click t heShare My Desktop buttonin the lobby screen.
TheSelect Sharing Monitor dialogboxappears.
3. If you're sharing a singlemonitor, select the monitor you want to share andt henclic k OK.
If you're sharingmultiple monitors on a Windows operatingsystem, hold down the CTRL key,
select each monitoryou want to share, and then click OK. I f you're sharingmultiple monitors
ona Mac operating system software, hold down the Command(⌘) key, select each monitor
youw ant to share,and then click OK.
APreparingto shareyour desktop, please wait messageappears briefly, and thenthe
SMARTBridgittoolbar anda blue borderappearon your screen. Meeting participantss eeone
enlargeddisplay, andthe rest as t humbnailsthat they can click to enlarge.
Meetingparticipants using a SMART Hub see only one sharedscreen.
gTo stop sharingyour desktop
Click Start/Stop Sharing my Desktop on the SMARTBridgittoolbar of the display you want to
stop sharing.
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