Youcan share a selected portionor region of your desktop.
gTo sharea region your desktop
1. Create orjoin a meeting. See Starting SMARTBridgit software on page12 or Joining meetings
onpage 18.
2. Click t heShare My Desktop buttonin the lobby screen.
APreparingto shareyour desktop message appearsbriefly, andt henthe SMART Bridgit
toolbarand a blueborder appearon yoursc reen.Anyone in the meeting cans eey ourdesktop.
3. Click the Share Desktop Region button ony ourSMARTBridgit toolbar.
4. Click and drag the pointeron the regionof your shared display that you want to share.
Youcan also limit the sharedarea of your desktop by moving theoutside colored bordersof the
shareddisplay. For moreinformation, see Changingthe shared area on page35.
gTo stop sharingthe region
Select Menu > Stop Sharing this Desktop.
Usingdrawing tools whilesharingSMARTBridgitsoftw areenables you to draw in your screenwhile you are sharingy ourdesktop. You
canalso draw into applications like Microsoft Word or Excel. For more information,refer to the Help
forSMAR T Notebook collaborativelearningsoftw are.
SMARTBridgitsoftw areuses incremental annotationso meeting participants view new information
seamlessly. When you drawnew information on your sharedscreen, the Bridgit software sends the
newinput in small c ontinuouschunks as it i s beingadded andthe meeting participants see it
gTo use drawingtools while sharing
1. Start sharingy ourdesktop. See Sharing yourdesktop on page24.
2. Select Menu > Tools, andthen select t hedrawing tool you want to use.
Youcan also cust omizet hedrawing tools by selecting Customize.
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