Theparticipant list shows the numberof participants, their names andst atus. Your nameappearsi n
gTo view the participants list
1. Whilesharing your desktop, click Show/Hide Participant List .
Theparticipant list appears. You can move the dialogboxaroundyour screen by draggingthe
title bar.
If no onein a meeting is sharing a desktop, you can also see the list of participants in the
SMARTBridgitsoftw arelobby screen.
2. You can invite others to attendt hemeeting by click ingt heE-mail Invite button.
3. Toclose the participant list, c lick inthe upper-right cornerof the list.
Participantstatus icons
Thefollowing icons show the st atus of each participant.If audiois disabledon the server, only the
chat iconappears nextt oparticipants' names.
Icon Name or status Description
Chat Chattingis enabled.When a participant receives a message,t heic on
changescolor. If t heparticipant is experiencinga lag during the meeting,
anhourglass appearsover the chat icon.
A handis raised A notification appearsto all meeting participantst hat a participantis
requestingto speak in the meeting. Toallow the participant's request,
click the icon, andthen click Lower Hand.
This notificationic onappears in the presenter'sSMAR TBridgittoolbar
indicatingthat a participant is requestingt o speakin t hemeeting. To
allowt heparticipant's request, click the icon to opent heParticipants
window, andthen click the icon besidet hename of the requesting
Openmicrophone Theparticipant's microphoneis open andt heparticipant is speakingin
themeeting. To close the participant's microphone,cli ck the icon.
Theparticipant's microphoneis closed.
CH A P T E R 2